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Accounting for Subsoil Mineral Resources


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Last summer, a blue-ribbon panel of the national academy of sciences' national research council completed a congressionally mandated review of the work that the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) had published on integrated economic and environmental accounts. The panel's final report commended BEA for its initial work in producing a set of sound and objective prototype accounts. The November 1999 issue of the SURVEY OF CURRENT BUSINESS contained an article by william D.Nordhaus, the Chair of the Panel, that presented an overview of the major issues and finding and a reprint of chapter 5, "Overall Appraisal of Environmentl Accounting in the United States", from the final report. As part of its promise to inform users of the results of this evaluation, BEA is reprinting additional chapter from t he panel's report; below is a reprint of chapter 3, which reviews BEA's development of a set of subsoil mineral accounts. This article is reprinted with permission from Nature's Numbers:Expanding the National Economic Accounts to Include the Environemnt. Copyright of the National Academy Press, Washington. DC. This is a report of the National Researc Council, prepared by the Panel on Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting and edited by William D.Nordhaus and Edward C.Kokkenlenberg.
机译:去年夏天,美国国家科学院国家研究委员会的一个蓝色丝带小组完成了一项由国会授权的对经济分析局(BEA)发表的有关综合经济与环境账户的工作的审查。小组的最终报告赞扬了BEA在制作一系列合理客观的原型说明方面所做的初步工作。 1999年11月出版的《现行业务调查》载有专家小组主席威廉·诺德豪斯(William D.Nordhaus)的一篇文章,概述了主要问题,并找到并重印了第5章“环境会计的整体评估”。美国”,摘自最终报告。作为其承诺将评估结果告知用户的承诺的一部分,BEA正在重印小组报告中的其他章节。下面是第3章的重印本,其中回顾了BEA一系列地下土壤矿产资源的开发。本文经《自然数字》的许可转载:扩大国民经济核算以包括环境。华盛顿国家科学院出版社的版权。 DC。这是国家环境研究委员会的报告,由环境与经济综合核算小组编写,由William D.Nordhaus和Edward C.Kokkenlenberg编辑。



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