首页> 外文期刊>Statistics in medicine >Optimal auxiliary-covariate-based two-phase sampling design for semiparametric efficient estimation of a mean or mean difference, with application to clinical trials

Optimal auxiliary-covariate-based two-phase sampling design for semiparametric efficient estimation of a mean or mean difference, with application to clinical trials


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To address the objective in a clinical trial to estimate the mean or mean difference of an expensive endpoint Y, one approach employs a two-phase sampling design, wherein inexpensive auxiliary variables W predictive of Y are measured in everyone, Y is measured in a random sample, and the semiparametric efficient estimator is applied. This approach is made efficient by specifying the phase two selection probabilities as optimal functions of the auxiliary variables and measurement costs. While this approach is familiar to survey samplers, it apparently has seldom been used in clinical trials, and several novel results practicable for clinical trials are developed. We perform simulations to identify settings where the optimal approach significantly improves efficiency compared to approaches in current practice. We provide proofs and R code. The optimality results are developed to design an HIV vaccine trial, with objective to compare the mean 'importance-weighted' breadth (Y) of the T-cell response between randomized vaccine groups. The trial collects an auxiliary response (W) highly predictive of Y and measures Y in the optimal subset. We show that the optimal design-estimation approach can confer anywhere between absent and large efficiency gain (up to 24 % in the examples) compared to the approach with the same efficient estimator but simple random sampling, where greater variability in the cost-standardized conditional variance of Y given W yields greater efficiency gains. Accurate estimation of E[Y|W] is important for realizing the efficiency gain, which is aided by an ample phase two sample and by using a robust fitting method.
机译:为了解决临床试验中估计昂贵终点Y的均值或均值差的目标,一种方法采用了两阶段采样设计,其中便宜的辅助变量W可以预测每个人的Y,而Y是随机测量的样本,然后应用半参数有效估计器。通过将第二阶段选择概率指定为辅助变量和测量成本的最佳函数,可以使这种方法有效。尽管这种方法对于调查采样者来说是熟悉的,但显然很少在临床试验中使用它,并且已经开发出了一些可用于临床试验的新颖结果。我们进行模拟以识别设置,在这些设置中,与当前实践相比,最佳方法可以显着提高效率。我们提供证明和R代码。研究最佳结果的目的是设计一个HIV疫苗试验,目的是比较随机疫苗组之间T细胞反应的平均“重要性加权”广度(Y)。该试验收集了高度预测Y的辅助响应(W),并在最佳子集中测量Y。我们表明,与具有相同高效估算器但简单随机抽样的方法相比,最优设计估算方法可以在缺失和较大效率增益之间(在示例中高达24%)之间分配任意空间,其中成本标准化条件变量的可变性更大给定W时Y的方差会产生更大的效率增益。 E [Y | W]的准确估算对于实现效率增益很重要,这要借助充足的两相样本和使用稳健的拟合方法来实现。



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