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Exploring the Petroleum Frontier


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As existing supplies of oil and gas are depleted, the petroleum industry is forced to explore in ever deeper and more challenging environments. Certain characteristics of ceramics, including their light weight, heat tolerance, and resistance to both corrosion and erosion, make them attractive alternatives to metal components in several of these emerging exploration applications. Some 70 miles off the shore of Louisiana, ExxonMobil and several partners are drilling a well intended to achieve depths previously unattainable in the Gulf Coast region of the U.S. This well may ultimately reach 33,000 ft below the surface, over six miles underground, at an anticipated cost exceeding 60 million dollars. Bottomhole temperatures and pressures will exceed 400 deg F and 25,000 psi, respectively. While certainly noteworthy, this well is not the exception. In the near future, a number of these ultradeep wells are planned in the area.
机译:随着现有石油和天然气的枯竭,石油行业被迫在更深,更具挑战性的环境中进行勘探。陶瓷的某些特性(包括重量轻,耐热性以及耐腐蚀和侵蚀性)使其成为其中一些新兴勘探应用中金属部件的有吸引力的替代品。距离路易斯安那州海岸约70英里的地方,埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)和一些合作伙伴正在钻探一口井,目的是达到美国墨西哥湾沿岸地区以前无法达到的深度。这口井最终可能会在地下六英里处达到地表以下33,000英尺成本超过6000万美元。井底温度和压力将分别超过400华氏度和25,000 psi。尽管当然值得注意,但这也不是例外。在不久的将来,该地区计划建造许多此类超深井。



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