首页> 外文期刊>Biological Conservation >Comparing population growth rates using weighted bootstrapping: Guiding the conservation management of Petrogale xanthopus xanthopus (yellow-footed rock-wallaby)

Comparing population growth rates using weighted bootstrapping: Guiding the conservation management of Petrogale xanthopus xanthopus (yellow-footed rock-wallaby)

机译:使用加权自举法比较人口增长率:指导Petrogale xanthopus xanthopus(黄脚岩袋鼠)的养护管理

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In this study we compare estimates of the long-term mean stochastic population growth rates, E[r] for Petrogale xanthopus xanthopus (yellow-footed rock-wallaby), a threatened Australian species. In fluctuating environments such as semi-arid areas, herbivore populations respond directly to changes in the biomass of food resources. Biomass is generally correlated with rainfall, so it is often useful to model annual population growth rates of herbivores directly with rainfall. Models of this nature are referred to as numerical response models. The factors that are thought to threaten this species include competition from introduced herbivores and predation from foxes. Annual aerial survey data collected from 1997 to 2004 over approximately 600km of transect line were analyzed in seven zones within South Australia. Using the Ivlev numerical response model, the annual population growth rates were found to correlate best with the rain that fell in the seven-month period immediately prior to the surveys. Not surprisingly, positive growth rates were found to be associated with higher rainfalls in this period, while negative growth rates were associated with lower rainfalls. We also used weighted bootstrapping to calculate confidence intervals around our estimates of long-term mean stochastic population growth rates, E[r]. The findings suggest that the estimates of E[r] are positive in areas where there is fox and herbivore management. However, we found no evidence that this species will decline in the absence of these treatments.
机译:在这项研究中,我们比较了濒临灭绝的澳大利亚物种Petrogale xanthopus xanthopus(黄脚岩袋鼠)的长期平均随机种群增长率E [r]。在半干旱地区等动荡的环境中,食草动物种群直接对粮食资源生物量的变化做出反应。生物量通常与降雨有关,因此通常直接用降雨来模拟食草动物的年增长率是很有用的。这种性质的模型称为数值响应模型。人们认为威胁该物种的因素包括来自引入的食草动物的竞争和来自狐狸的掠食。在1997年至2004年期间,在南澳大利亚州的七个区域分析了大约600公里的样线,收集了年度空中调查数据。使用Ivlev数值响应模型,发现人口的年增长率与紧接调查前七个月的降雨最相关。毫不奇怪,在此期间,正增长与降雨增加有关,而负增长与降雨减少有关。我们还使用加权自举法来估计长期平均随机人口增长率E [r]的置信区间。研究结果表明,在有狐狸和草食动物管理的地区,E [r]的估计为正。但是,我们没有发现没有这些处理方法该物种会减少的证据。



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