首页> 外文期刊>Soft computing: A fusion of foundations, methodologies and applications >Algebraic study to generalized Bosbach states on residuated lattices

Algebraic study to generalized Bosbach states on residuated lattices


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Generalized Bosbach states of type I and II, which are also called type I and II states, are useful for the development of algebraic theory of probabilistic models for fuzzy logics. In this paper, a pure algebraic study to the generalization of Bosbach states on residuated lattices is made. By rewriting the equations of Bosbach states, an alternative definition of type II states is given, and five types of generalized Bosbach states of type III, IV, V, VI and VII (or simply, type III, IV, V, VI and VII states) are introduced. The relationships among these generalized Bosbach states and properties of them are investigated by some examples and results. Particularly, type IV states are a new type of generalized Bosbach states which are different from type I, II and III states; type V (resp. VI) states can be equivalently defined by both type I (resp. II) states and type IV states; type I, II and III states are equivalent when the codomain is anMV-algebra as well as type V and type VI states.
机译:类型I和II的广义Bosbach状态,也称为类型I和II状态,对于发展模糊逻辑概率模型的代数理论很有用。本文对剩余格上的Bosbach态进行了纯代数研究。通过重写Bosbach状态方程,给出II型状态的替代定义,并给出III,IV,V,VI和VII类型的五种广义Bosbach状态(或简单地,III,IV,V,VI和VII类型)状态)。通过一些实例和结果研究了这些广义博斯巴赫状态之间的关系及其性质。尤其是,IV型状态是不同于I,II和III型状态的新型广义Bosbach状态。 V型(分别为VI)状态可以同时由I型(分别为II)状态和IV型状态定义;当共域是MV代数以及V型和VI型状态时,I,II和III型状态等效。



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