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Arthroscopic Management of Posterior Shoulder Instability


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The diagnosis and surgical management of posterior shoulder instability remains a challenge to the practicing orthopedist Rather than an "essential lesion," pathology may include a patulous or redundant capsule, a torn or detached labrum or an insufficient rotator interval, all of which may contribute to a painful, dysfunctional shoulder. Symptomatic instability commonly occurs with the shoulder in the jeopardy position of flexion, adduction, and internal rotation. The most consistent physical findings include a positive load and shift test, a positive jerk test, and a significant sulcus sign. MR scans are useful in assessing posterior capsulolabral tissue whereas CT scans can identify the uncommon problems of glenoid hypoplasia and ret-roversion. Reports of open surgical treatment have documented widely varying success rates with the potential for significant morbidity and complications. Arthroscopic stabilization of posterior instability has been studied over the past 2 decades in an effort to improve surgical outcomes and to minimize the morbidity of surgical treatment. The most promising arthroscopic methods include capsulolabral augmentation, posterior Bankart repair, and rotator interval interval plication. Each of these techniques is described in detail.
机译:后肩关节不稳的诊断和外科治疗仍然是骨科医生的一个挑战,病理可能包括一个延髓或多余的囊膜,唇骨撕裂或脱离或旋转间隔不足,而不是“实质性病变”。疼痛,功能失调的肩膀。当肩膀处于屈曲,内收和内旋的危险位置时,通常会出现症状不稳定。最一致的身体检查结果包括正负荷和移位测试,挺举测试和明显的沟痕。 MR扫描可用于评估后囊cap囊组织,而CT扫描可识别关节盂发育不全和翻身的罕见问题。开放手术治疗的报告已证明成功率差异很大,并可能导致严重的发病率和并发症。在过去的20年中,人们一直在研究关节镜对后路不稳定的稳定性,以改善手术效果并最大程度地降低手术治疗的发病率。最有前途的关节镜检查方法包括腓骨腓骨增大术,后Bankart修复术和肩关节间隔间隔折叠术。将详细描述这些技术中的每一种。



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