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The Schulz Group of Companies: Schulz Xtruded Products (SXP) - fully operational


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The Schulz Group of Companies with headquarters in Germany started operations in its state-of-the-art seamless pipe mill in Tunica, Mississippi, USA, in November 2011. In less than two years the 130 million US-Dollar investment for subsidiary Schulz Xtruded Products has been constructed and the first pipes have already been manufactured. This is just one step forward in the group's strategy. In addition, a new sales office has been opened in Indonesia and the group is now represented in about twenty countries worldwide. Schulz's global strategy is to supply full piping packages to their customers for the most demanding applications. Stainless Steel World spoke to Marketing Manager, Mr Stefan Zwickardt, to get the latest news from the Schulz Group.
机译:总部位于德国的舒尔茨集团公司于2011年11月在美国密西西比州Tunica的最先进的无缝管轧机开始运营。在不到两年的时间里,对子公司舒尔茨Xtruded的投资就达1.3亿美元产品已经建造完成,第一批管道已经制造完毕。这只是该集团战略的一步。此外,在印度尼西亚开设了新的销售办事处,该集团现在在全球约二十个国家设有代表处。舒尔茨的全球战略是为最苛刻的应用向客户提供完整的管道套件。 《不锈钢世界》采访了市场经理Stefan Zwickardt先生,以了解舒尔茨集团的最新消息。



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