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The role of self-talk in the awareness of physiological state and physical performance.


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Different studies have suggested that the majority of self-talk during exercise is either positive or neutral in character. The majority of 'thoughts' during low-intensity exercise have been described as being dissociative conversational chatter. However, with increasing exercise intensity, there is a greater percentage of associative and motivational thoughts, which includes thoughts about feeling and affect, body monitoring, command, instruction and pace monitoring. It has been suggested that self-talk is necessary for creating a time 'wedge' between the activity described by the self-talk, and the self-talk itself. The information redundancy created by this time-wedge allows the capacity for reflection about what is occurring, and self-awareness of the part played by the individual themselves in the activity being performed. Self-talk may be a discussion between a singular 'I' and a singular 'me', or may be a multi-party dialogue. There are anatomical correlates to self-talk, with neural activity ina number of brain areas related to the occurrence of both overt and subvocal self-talk, particularly in Broca's region in the left frontal cortex, and Wernicke's region in the left posterior superior temporal cortex. Whether specific training of self-talk can improve performance is controversial, although recent studies have suggested that task-specific self-talk appears to have a beneficial effect on physical performance. Further studies are required to assess the ability of physical or mental training to modify self-talk in a beneficial and permanent manner, and whether these changes affect an individual's exercise performance and sense of self.
机译:不同的研究表明,运动过程中的大部分自我谈话是积极的或中立的。低强度运动中的大多数“思想”都被描述为分离性的交谈ter不休。但是,随着运动强度的增加,联想和激励思想的比例也越来越高,其中包括有关感觉和影响,身体监测,命令,指令和步伐监测的思想。已经提出,自谈话是在自谈话描述的活动与自谈话本身之间建立时间“楔子”所必需的。通过这个时间楔创建的信息冗余允许反思正在发生的事情的能力,以及个人自己在执行的活动中扮演的角色的自我意识。自我对话可以是单数“ I”和单数“ me”之间的讨论,也可以是多方对话。与自我对话有解剖学上的联系,与许多大脑区域的神经活动有关,这与明显的和人声的自我对话的发生有关,特别是在左额叶皮层的Broca区域和左后颞上皮层的Wernicke区域。尽管最近的研究表明,针对特定任务的自我对话似乎对身体机能有有益的影响,但是否有针对性的自我对话训练是否可以提高绩效仍存在争议。需要进行进一步的研究,以评估体育或心理训练以有益和持久的方式改变自我谈话的能力,以及这些变化是否影响个人的运动表现和自我意识。



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