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A New Monument on America's Main Street


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ON INAUGURATION DAY 2009, as the new president of the United States paraded down Pennsylvania Avenue from the U.S. Capitol, the Newseum was brimming full of people and on prominent display for the entire world. Having opened the previous year to record crowds and publicity, Washington's newest monument was envisioned from the beginning to be an iconic building and highly symbolic of the role of the First Amendment to the Constitution and a free press in our society. The original Newseum operated from 1997 to 2002 in a much smaller facility in Arlington, Va. In 2000, The Freedom Forum, a non-partisan foundation dedicated to free press, free speech, and free spirit for all people, purchased the last available site along Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington to be its new location. The Forum engaged Polshek Partnership Architects, New York, to design a new building to house its expanded and more technologically advanced Newseum. Ralph Appelbaum Associates, New York, was selected to design the highly interactive state-of-the-art exhibit galleries, which educate the public about the role of the press and free speech.
机译:在2009年就职日当天,新任美国总统从美国国会大厦在宾夕法尼亚大道上游行时,Newseum挤满了人,并向全世界展示着。去年开放以记录人群和宣传,华盛顿的最新纪念碑从一开始就被设想为标志性建筑,并高度象征着宪法第一修正案和新闻自由在我们社会中的作用。最初的Newseum于1997年至2002年在弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿的一家小得多的机构中运作。2000年,自由党(致力于为所有人提供自由新闻,言论自由和自由精神的无党派基金会)购买了最新的站点华盛顿的宾夕法尼亚大道沿线将成为其新位置。该论坛邀请纽约的Polshek Partnership Architects设计一栋新建筑,以容纳其扩建的和技术更先进的Newseum。纽约的拉尔夫·阿佩尔鲍姆协会(Ralph Appelbaum Associates)被选中设计高度互动的艺术展览馆,以教育公众关于新闻界和言论自由的作用。



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