首页> 外文期刊>Southwestern Entomologist >Effectiveness of pan trapping as a rapid bioinventory method of freshwater shoreline insects of subtropical Texas.

Effectiveness of pan trapping as a rapid bioinventory method of freshwater shoreline insects of subtropical Texas.


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Pan trapping proves to be an effective method for field surveying insects, especially Diptera. This manuscript examines the effectiveness of the method for the rapid bioinventory of freshwater shoreline insects. Pan traps at ground level, above ground, and elevated and of different colors were evaluated for their ability to attract and capture insects. Abundance (n), taxonomic richness (T), and hierarchical diversity indices (H') allowed for the determination of efficacy among methods. Yellow pan (n=141, T=10, H'=1.15) and elevated yellow pan traps (n=113, T=5, H'=1.18) were most effective at capturing the highest diversity of insects. Blue (n=12, H'=1.18) and green (n=51, H'=0.74) traps had similar richness (T=4); however differed in the total insects captured and diversity. The results provide entomologists in South Texas and other subtropical environments with information to assist them with planning surveys in the field and with further study potentially developing pollution tolerance values for different insect taxa.
机译:泛捕集被证明是一种实地调查昆虫,尤其是双翅目昆虫的有效方法。该手稿检验了该方法对淡水岸线昆虫快速生物调查的有效性。评估了地面,地上,高架和不同颜色的锅具诱集和捕获昆虫的能力。丰度(n),分类学丰富度(T)和层次多样性指数(H')可用于确定方法之间的功效。黄盘(n = 141,T = 10,H'= 1.15)和高架黄盘陷阱(n = 113,T = 5,H'= 1.18)在捕获昆虫最高多样性方面最有效。蓝色(n = 12,H'= 1.18)和绿色(n = 51,H'= 0.74)陷阱具有相似的丰富度(T = 4)。但是捕获的昆虫总数和多样性不同。结果为南得克萨斯州和其他亚热带环境中的昆虫学家提供了信息,以帮助他们进行野外计划调查和进一步研究,从而可能开发出针对不同昆虫类群的污染耐受性值。



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