首页> 外文期刊>Southwestern Entomologist >Pecan nut casebearer, Acrobasis nuxvorella Neunzig parasites collected inDona Ana County, NM, and El Paso County, TX

Pecan nut casebearer, Acrobasis nuxvorella Neunzig parasites collected inDona Ana County, NM, and El Paso County, TX

机译:山核桃坚果的担子,Acrobasis nuxvorella Neunzig寄生虫收集在新墨西哥州的多纳安娜县和德克萨斯州的埃尔帕索县

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Pecan nut casebearer (PNC), Acrobasis nuxvorella Neunzig, were collected in the Mesilla Valley, Dofia Ana county, New Mexico, and El Paso County, El Paso, Texas, during 1999 and 2000 growing seasons for laboratory studies. Parasitoids were collected and identified from several PNC collected in the field. Twenty-two specimens of Bassus acrobasidis Cushman (=Agathis acrobasidis) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) were found in Dofia Ana County from PNC collected in the field. Only one specimen was found in 1999, and the remaining were found in 2000. Thirty-three percent of the PNC collected during the second generation on one farm contained B. acrobasidis. B. acrobasidis has been reported in New Mexico (Krombein et al. 1979), and also released for PNC control in Chaparral, New Mexico, in 1992 (Carrillo and Ellington unpublished data). Five specimens of Brachymeria hammeri (Crawford) (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae) were found in Dofia Ana County in 2000 from PNC collected in the field. Less than 2 percent of the field collected PNC were parasitized. Four of the specimens were found in the overwintering generation and the other in the second generation of PNC. B. hammeri has not previously been reported from New Mexico. B. hammeri is a known PNC parasite in Texas (Krombein et al. 1979; M.K. Harris and T.-X. Li 1991, personal communication).
机译:在1999和2000年的生长季节中,在新墨西哥州Dofia Ana县的Mesilla谷和得克萨斯州El Paso的El Paso县收集了山核桃坚果盒(PNC),Acrobasis nuxvorella Neunzig。从野外收集的几个PNC中收集并鉴定了寄生虫。在Dofia Ana县从田间收集的PNC中发现了22个Bassus acrobasidis Cushman(= Agathis acrobasidis)(膜翅目:Braconidae)标本。在1999年只发现了一个标本,在2000年发现了其余标本。在一个农场的第二代收集的PNC中,有33%含有Acro acrobasidis。在新墨西哥州已经报道了B. acrobasidis(Krombein et al。1979),并且在1992年在新墨西哥州的Chaparral也发布了B. acrobasidis用于PNC控制(Carrillo和Ellington未公开数据)。 2000年在Dofia Ana县从田间收集的PNC中发现了五个Brachymeria Hammer(Crawford)(膜翅目:Cha科)标本。不到2%的野外收集的PNC被寄生了。其中有四个标本是在越冬世代中发现的,另一个是在第二代PNC中发现的。新墨西哥州以前没有报道过B. Hammer。锤状芽胞杆菌是德克萨斯州已知的PNC寄生虫(Krombein等,1979; M.K。Harris和T.-X. Li,1991,个人通讯)。



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