首页> 外文期刊>Southern Journal of Applied Forestry >Effects of herbaceous and woody plant control on longleaf pine growth and understory plant cover.

Effects of herbaceous and woody plant control on longleaf pine growth and understory plant cover.


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To determine if either herbaceous or woody plants are more competitive with longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) trees, four vegetation management treatments-check, herbaceous plant control (HPC), woody plant control (WPC), and HPC+WPC-were applied in newly established longleaf pine plantings in a randomized complete block design in two studies. Prescribed fire was repeatedly applied across both study sites, and pine measurements were continued for 12 years. Pine survival was not significantly different among the four treatments in either study. In Study 1, pines were taller on HPC+WPC plots than on checks, and pine basal area and volume per ha were greater on HPC and HPC+WPC plots than on checks. Volume per ha ranged from 45 m3/ha on checks to 70 m3/ha on HPC+WPC plots. The WPC treatment was ineffective. In Study 2, there were no significant basal area and volume per ha differences among the four treatments. Volume per ha ranged from 119 m3/ha on checks to 151 m3/ha on HPC+WPC plots after 12 years. In the thirteenth growing season, HPC+WPC plots had more surface area covered in litter than did checks, and there was less grass cover on HPC plots than on checks in Study 1. In Study 2, litter and plant cover in the understory were not significantly different among the four treatments. With the application of fire, HPC remained effective when basal area per ha did not exceed 14 m2/ha. WPC was not beneficial perhaps because prescribed fire was repeatedly applied making WPC unnecessary.
机译:为了确定草本植物或木本植物与长叶松树(Pinus palustris Mill。)树木的竞争性如何,应用了四种植被管理方法:检查,草本植物控制(HPC),木本植物控制(WPC)和HPC + WPC-在两项研究中,对新建立的长叶松树种植进行了随机完整块设计。在两个研究地点重复开了规定的火,松树测量持续了12年。在任何一项研究中,四种治疗之间的松树存活率均无显着差异。在研究1中,在HPC + WPC地块上的松树比在支票上高,而在HPC和HPC + WPC地块上的松木基面积和每公顷体积比在支票上更大。每公顷的体积从检查时的45 m 3 / ha到HPC + WPC图上的70 m 3 / ha。 WPC治疗无效。在研究2中,四种处理之间没有显着的基础面积和每公顷体积的差异。每公顷的体积从检查时的119 m 3 / ha到12年后的HPC + WPC地块的151 m 3 / ha。在第13个生长季节中,HPC + WPC地块的凋落物覆盖面积大于检查所覆盖的面积,HPC地块的草覆盖率低于研究1中的检查覆盖量。在研究2中,林下的凋落物和植物覆盖没有四种治疗之间有显着差异。随着火灾的发生,当每公顷的基础面积不超过14 m 2 / ha时,HPC仍然有效。 WPC不利,也许是因为反复使用规定的火力使WPC变得不必要。



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