首页> 外文期刊>Southern Journal of Applied Forestry >Comparison of Five Erosion Control Techniques for Bladed Skid Trails in Virginia

Comparison of Five Erosion Control Techniques for Bladed Skid Trails in Virginia


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Sediment is the leading nonpoint source pollutant from forest operations in the United States. Sediment in forested watersheds is produced primarily from highly disturbed areas, such as skid trails. Forestry best management practices (BMPs) have been developed to minimize erosion and water quality problems, but the efficacies of various BMP options are not well documented. This study evaluated five bladed skid trail closure BMPs for erosion control in the Piedmont of Virginia. The BMP closures evaluated were (1) water bar only; (2) water bar and grass seed (grass); (3) water bar, grass seed, and straw mulch (mulch); (4) water bar and piled hardwood slash (H-slash); and (5) water bar and piled pine slash (P-slash). The study was arranged as a randomized complete block design where six newly constructed trails provided six blocks. Five treatments were applied to five segments within each block. Erosion from the 30 treatment plots (experimental units) was captured in sediment traps and weighed monthly for 13 months, providing 78 erosion weights per treatment. Results indicate that water bar was the most erosive closure method (137.7 t [metric tons] ha?1 year?1), followed by grass (31.5 t ha?1 year?1), H-slash (8.9 t ha?1 year?1), P-slash (5.9 t ha?1 year?1), and mulch (3.0 t ha?1 year?1). Overall, BMPs that provide soil coverage levels similar to either slash or mulch closure should provide good erosion control, and final selection should be based on costs, availability of material, or landowner objectives.
机译:沉积物是美国森林作业中主要的面源污染物。森林集水区的沉积物主要来自高度受干扰的地区,例如滑道。已经制定了林业最佳管理规范(BMP),以最大程度地减少侵蚀和水质问题,但各种BMP选项的功效尚未得到充分证明。这项研究评估了弗吉尼亚州皮埃蒙特市的五种带刀片的滑道封闭式BMP,用于侵蚀控制。评估的BMP封盖为(1)仅水吧; (2)水吧和草籽(草); (3)水栏,草籽和秸秆覆盖物(覆盖物); (4)水杠和堆积的硬木斜线(H斜线); (5)水杠和堆积的松木斜线(P斜线)。该研究被安排为随机的完整街区设计,其中六个新建路径提供了六个街区。在每个块中的五个段上执行了五种处理。在沉积物收集器中捕获了来自30个处理区(实验单位)的侵蚀,并每月称重13个月,每次处理可提供78个侵蚀权重。结果表明,水条是最易腐蚀的闭合方法(137.7吨(公吨)公顷-1年-1),其次是草皮(31.5吨公顷-1年-1),高斜杠(8.9吨公顷-1年)。 1),P-slash(5.9 t ha?1年?1)和覆盖(3.0 t ha?1年?1)。总体而言,提供类似于刀耕地或覆盖地的土壤覆盖水平的土壤管理计划应提供良好的侵蚀控制,最终选择应基于成本,材料的可获得性或土地所有者的目标。



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