首页> 外文期刊>Southern Medical Journal >Neonates at risk for congenital syphilis: radiographic and cerebrospinal fluid evaluations.

Neonates at risk for congenital syphilis: radiographic and cerebrospinal fluid evaluations.


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OBJECTIVE: To review the infants at risk for congenital syphilis (CS) and determine the optimal use of evaluations such as cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), the venereal disease research laboratory (VDRL) test, and long bone radiography studies. METHODS: A retrospective chart review of all of the infants at risk for CS from January 1997 to December 2002 at the Regional Medical Center at Memphis was conducted. Subjects were identified from a database of prenatal maternal records. Infant charts showing a diagnosis of presumptive CS were reviewed and data were collected. RESULTS: Of the 24,245 deliveries, maternal serology (rapid plasma reagin and microhemagglutination for treponemal antibody) was reactive in 250 women during pregnancy. Of 92 infants with a presumptive diagnosis of syphilis, only 2 (2.1%) were symptomatic. CSF examination for VDRL was feasible in 74 (80%) of the 92 infants. Only 1 (1.35%) of the 74 infants had a positive CSF-VDRL. Three infants had radiographic changes that were consistent with CS. CONCLUSIONS: The burden of syphilis in pregnancy remains high. Proper evaluation of neonates is important in preventing long-term consequences. The frequency of positive CSF and long bone radiography studies remains low. These evaluations should be made based on the symptoms and plan of treatment for individual neonates.
机译:目的:审查有先天性梅毒(CS)风险的婴儿,并确定最佳评估方法,如脑脊液(CSF),性病研究实验室(VDRL)测试和长骨放射照相研究。方法:对1997年1月至2002年12月在孟菲斯地区医学中心进行的所有有CS危险的婴儿进行回顾性图表回顾。从产前孕产妇记录数据库中识别出受试者。回顾了显示推定为CS的婴儿图表并收集了数据。结果:在24,245例分娩中,孕妇的250例孕妇中有孕妇血清学反应(快速血浆血凝素和微血凝素,以反映Trponemal抗体)。在92名被诊断为梅毒的婴儿中,只有2名(2.1%)有症状。在92例婴儿中,有74例(80%)对CDR进行了VDRL检查。 74例婴儿中只有1例(1.35%)的CSF-VDRL阳性。 3例婴儿的影像学改变与CS一致。结论:妊娠梅毒负担仍然很高。正确评估新生儿对预防长期后果很重要。 CSF和长骨X线检查阳性的频率仍然很低。这些评估应根据新生儿的症状和治疗计划进行。



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