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Home Range and Habitat Selection of an Inland Alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) Population at the Northwestern Edge of the Distribution Range


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Although well studied in coastal ecosystems, comparatively little information exists on the ecology of inland Alligator mississippiensis (American Alligator) populations, particularly at the periphery of their range. Our specific objectives were to estimate home-range area and assess did (i.e., day vs. night) habitat-selection patterns of an urban, inland American Alligator population at the northwestern edge of the species' range. During 2010-2011, we captured 14 (6 female, 5 male, 3 unknown sex) American Alligators, 9 (5 female and 4 male) of which were fitted with VHF transmitters. Mean home range (95% kernel) was 68.9 ha (SD = 31.6) and 40.9 ha (SD = 20.7) and the mean core area (50% kernel) was 20.6 ha (SD = 18.5) and 10.1 ha (SD = 6.6) for males and females, respectively. American Alligators primarily selected river channels and open-canopy shorelines during both day and night. The amount of emergent or floating vegetation and canopy cover in a particular habitat influenced the probability of selection by American Alligators but this probability was dependent on the did l time period. During the day, the probability of selection was higher in areas with emergent or floating vegetation and more canopy cover, whereas at night the probability of selection decreased with increasing canopy cover. American Alligators did not select open water at either the study-area level or within the home range, which may have been due at least in part to the presence of recreational boaters or differences in food availability between open-water areas and other areas occupied by American Alligators on the Fort Worth Nature Center and Refuge. Overall, the results of our study are largely incongruent with patterns of home-range size and habitat selection reported for the species elsewhere, suggesting that further study of other American Alligator populations at the periphery of the distribution range is warranted.
机译:尽管已在沿海生态系统中进行了深入研究,但关于内陆短吻鳄密西西比(美洲短吻鳄)种群的生态学信息相对较少,特别是在其范围的外围。我们的具体目标是估计居所范围并评估物种范围西北边缘的市区内陆美洲短吻鳄种群的生境选择模式(即白天与黑夜)。在2010-2011年期间,我们捕获了14例(6名女性,5例男性,3名性别未知)美国短吻鳄,其中9例(5名女性和4名男性)装有VHF发射机。平均原始范围(95%籽粒)为68.9公顷(SD = 31.6)和40.9公顷(SD = 20.7),平均核心面积(50%籽粒)为20.6公顷(SD = 18.5)和10.1公顷(SD = 6.6)分别针对男性和女性。美国短吻鳄在白天和晚上都主要选择河道和开放式冠层海岸线。在特定栖息地中出现的或漂浮的植被和冠层覆盖的数量,影响了美洲短吻鳄的选择概率,但是该概率取决于实际时间。白天,出现植被或漂浮植被且树冠覆盖更多的地区,选择的可能性较高,而在晚上,选择概率随树冠覆盖的增加而降低。美国短吻鳄没有在研究区域水平或家庭范围内选择开放水域,这可能至少部分是由于休闲船民的存在或开放水域与其他被占领区域之间的食物供应差异所致。沃斯堡自然中心和避难所的美洲短吻鳄。总体而言,我们的研究结果与其他地方报道的该物种的家庭范围大小和栖息地选择模式不一致,这表明有必要对分布范围外围的其他美洲短吻鳄种群进行进一步研究。



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