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Initial Field Installation of Manganese Indicators of Reduction in Soils, Brooks Range, Alaska


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Ten manganese indicators of reduction in soils (MIRIS) and five iron reduction indicator in soils (FIRIS) tubes were installed in a calcareous fen wetland on the south face of the Brooks Range in northern Alaska. Tubes were set in five groups of two MIRIS and one FIRIS across a iandscape transect with hydric soils experiencing high pH/Eh conditions at the wetland, and one set of six MIRIS tubes was installed in a well-drained mid-slope position. The wetland MIRIS displayed oxide paint removal within4 d. whereas the FIRIS installed at the same location for 6 wk (recommended installation interval for FIRIS) displayed <10% oxide removal in four of the five locations and experienced concentration of the iron oxide on the upper 10 cm of the tube. Threeof the five FIRIS also had pyrite (FeS_2) formation on 10 to 20% of their surface areas. After 7 d of installation in the upland, MIRIS did not experience significant removal, indicating that the MIRIS oxide removal in the wetland was due to reduction alone. The rapid removal of MIRIS oxide in high pH/Eh conditions in comparison with the limited removal of oxide from FIRIS supports the idea that MIRIS is a suitable tool to determine the presence of reducing conditions in wetlands unfavorable to Fe reduction. The experiment also showed that pyrite formation on FIRIS should be considered as a proxy for oxide removal in high pH conditions that inhibit Fe reduction.
机译:在阿拉斯加北部布鲁克斯山脉南面的钙质芬湿地中安装了十个土壤还原锰指标(MIRIS)和五个土壤还原铁指标(FIRIS)。在湿地上经历高pH / Eh条件的水土中,将管子分为两组,每组两个MIRIS和一个FIRIS,并在排水良好的中坡位置安装一组六个MIRIS管。 MIRIS湿地在4天内显示出氧化物去除。而在同一位置安装了6周(FIRIS的建议安装间隔)的FIRIS在五个位置中的四个位置显示<10%的氧化物去除率,并且在管的上部10 cm处经历了氧化铁的集中。五个FIRIS中的三个在其表面积的10%至20%处也形成了黄铁矿(FeS_2)。在高地上安装7天后,MIRIS没有经历明显的清除,这表明湿地中MIRIS氧化物的清除仅是由于还原。与从FIRIS中有限地去除氧化物相比,在高pH / Eh条件下快速去除MIRIS氧化物支持以下想法:MIRIS是确定湿地中不利于Fe还原的还原条件的合适工具。实验还表明,在抑制铁还原的高pH条件下,应将FIRIS上的黄铁矿形成视为氧化物去除的替代方法。



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