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Phytoremediation of Lead in Urban Residential Soils of Portland, Maine


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Lead contamination of urban soils is a widespread problem, and traditional remediation of lead-contaminated soils is very expensive. Thus, it is important to examine alternatives to traditional techniques. We evaluated the phytoremediation potential of spinach in 13 lead-contaminated garden soils of residential yards in Portland, Maine. We sampled the soils before planting and after harvest, as well as the roots and shoots of the spinach. Soils were analyzed for total and plant-available lead, particle size. pH. and organic matter; plants were analyzed for lead. Total soil lead decreased, but the difference was not statistically significant. Plant-available lead showed a significant decrease (p < 0.05). and after 6 wk the lead concentrations decreased 28%. Soil pH and organic carbon were weakly, but significantly correlated with plant-available lead. Spinach plants absorbed lead, and roots always had a significantly higher concentration of lead than shoots. These data suggest that unamended phytoremediation is not an adequate remediation too! for these soils. However, these data do suggest that eating leafy greens grown in these urban soils presents a potential health hazard to residents.
机译:城市土壤中的铅污染是一个普遍存在的问题,铅污染土壤的传统修复方法非常昂贵。因此,研究传统技术的替代方法很重要。我们评估了缅因州波特兰市居民区的13种受铅污染的花园土壤中菠菜的植物修复潜力。我们在种植前和收获后对土壤以及菠菜的根和芽进行了采样。分析土壤中总铅和植物有效铅的粒径。 pH值和有机物;分析植物中的铅。土壤总铅减少,但差异无统计学意义。植物可用的铅显示出显着下降(p <0.05)。 6周后,铅浓度降低了28%。土壤的pH和有机碳含量较弱,但与植物体内的铅含量显着相关。菠菜植物吸收铅,而根部的铅浓度始终比芽高。这些数据表明,未经修正的植物修复也不是充分的修复!对于这些土壤。但是,这些数据确实表明,食用这些城市土壤中生长的绿叶蔬菜对居民有潜在的健康危害。



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