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An ArcGIS Toolkit to Assist in Using Diqital Soil Data for BAER Erosion Hazard Ratings


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After a wildfire, understandings landscape's response to precipitation is essential. Land that ha£f6'een strjpped of its vegetation and soila that inhrbit infiltration create a situation that cart have disastrous effects, including severe erosion andlandslides. Increased sediment in streams from soil erosion can result in fish kills and degraded water quality. Soil scientists play a key rata in post-wildfire assessments and rehabilitation. The formal team assigned to assess pdst-fire landscape damage is known as a BAER (Burned Area Emergency Response) team. BAER teams must complete their assessment within 7 d of a fire's containment, and haying soil survey data available makes the job much easier. One of the tasks for. soil scientists on BAER teams is to assess the potential for erosion in areas damaged by the fire. The Smokey BEHR (BAER Erosion Hazard Rating) Toolkit for GIS isolates soil survey data within the fire penmeter and distills some of the most important soil attributes from SSURGO(Soif Survey Geographic) data into a readily usable format. Combined with burn severity information from a Burned Area Reflectance Classification (BARC) raster layer, areas with high erosion hazard can be quickly identified and targeted for treatment.
机译:发生野火后,了解景观对降水的响应至关重要。那些曾经渗透到植被和土壤中的入侵者渗透到土地中,造成推车造成灾难性后果的情况,包括严重的侵蚀和山体滑坡。水土流失中增加的泥沙可能导致鱼类死亡和水质下降。土壤科学家在野火后评估和恢复中扮演着重要角色。指派评估Pdst-fire景观破坏的正式团队称为BAER(燃烧区紧急响应)团队。 BAER团队必须在火势遏制后7天内完成评估,并且可获得的干草干草调查数据使这项工作变得更加容易。的任务之一。 BAER团队的土壤科学家将评估火灾造成的地区遭受侵蚀的可能性。用于GIS的Smokey BEHR(BAER侵蚀危害等级)工具包可将火度计内的土壤调查数据隔离开,并将SSURGO(Soif调查地理)数据中的一些最重要的土壤属性提取为易于使用的格式。结合燃烧区域反射分类(BARC)栅格图层中的燃烧严重性信息,可以快速确定具有高腐蚀危害的区域并将其作为治疗目标。



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