首页> 外文期刊>Soil Science >Distribution of Soils and Landform Relationships in Permafrost Regions of the Western Qinghai-Xizang (Tibetan) Plateau, China

Distribution of Soils and Landform Relationships in Permafrost Regions of the Western Qinghai-Xizang (Tibetan) Plateau, China


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We evaluated software predictions involving soil distributions across landscape positions using selected soil morphology and terrain features in the permafrost regions of the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibetan) Plateau. The relationships presented are based on the Soil Taxonomy System and the 2010 soil suborders coupled with defined environmental factors and predict the spatial distribution of the soil suborders, using the See 5.0 decision tree software integrated with the soil-land inference model. Ten environmental factors closely related to permafrost-affected soil formation were selected as variables for the model: soil parent material, land surface temperatures, elevation, slope gradient, slope aspect, planform and profile curvatures, wetness index, and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index. A total of 62 soil profiles from 2010 were used for model building and validation. The results showed that the soils in the study area were primarily Turbels, Cryids, and Psamments, which cover 47.9%, 22.3%, and 11.7%, respectively, of the total area. Altitude had the closest relationship with soil type; in addition, permafrost played an important role in the soil-forming processes, which led to higher water content in the higher altitudes than in the lower altitudes in the arid areas. The thickness of the active layer in the study area was usually more than 2 m; however, additional consideration of the thickness of the active layer within the Soil Taxonomy System is required.
机译:我们使用青藏高原多年冻土区的选定土壤形态和地形特征,评估了涉及景观位置的土壤分布的软件预测。提出的关系基于土壤分类系统和2010年土壤亚纲,并结合已定义的环境因素,并使用See 5.0决策树软件与土壤-土地推理模型集成在一起,预测了土壤亚纲的空间分布。选择与永久冻土影响的土壤形成密切相关的十个环境因素作为该模型的变量:土壤母质,地表温度,海拔,坡度,坡度,平面和剖面曲率,湿度指数和归一化植被指数。自2010年起,总共使用了62个土壤剖面进行模型建立和验证。结果表明,研究区的土壤主要是Turbels,Cryids和Psamments,分别占总面积的47.9%,22.3%和11.7%。海拔与土壤类型关系最密切。此外,多年冻土在土壤形成过程中起着重要作用,这导致干旱地区高海拔地区的水分含量高于低海拔地区。研究区域中活性层的厚度通常大于2 m;但是,还需要进一步考虑土壤分类系统中活性层的厚度。



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