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Stable carbon and oxygen isotopes of soil carbonates at depth in the Russian Chernozem under different land use.


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Limited information is available about stable carbon and oxygen composition of soil carbonates at depth in the Russian Chernozem under different land use. This study was conducted to determine the stable isotope geochemistry of disseminated carbonates in the Russian Chernozem, one of the typical soils in grasslands. Three sites were sampled: a native grassland field (not cultivated for at least 300 years), an adjacent 50-year continuous fallow field in the V.V. Alekhin Central-Chernozem Biosphere State Reserve in the Kursk region of Russia, and a continuously cropped field in the Experimental Station of the Kursk Institute of Agronomy and Soil Erosion Control. All sampled soils were classified as fine-silty, mixed, frigid Pachic Hapludolls. The stable carbon isotope composition of carbonates varied with depth and land use: in the native grassland field delta 13C was in the range of -6.1-(-7.7) per mil; in the continuous fallow delta 13C was in the range of -5.7-(-9.8) per mil Pee Dee Belemnite (PDB); and in a continuously cropped field delta 13C was in the range of -5.1-(-10.2) per mil PDB. The stable oxygen isotope composition of carbonates also varied with depth and land use: in the native grassland field delta 18O was in the range of -6.9-(-9.4) per mil; in the continuous fallow delta 18O was in the range of -6.2-(-10.7) per mil; and in a continuously cropped field delta 18O was in the range of -7.0-(-9.4) per mil. More research is needed to investigate the effect of cultivation on stable isotope signatures of pedogenic carbonates..
机译:在不同土地利用情况下,俄罗斯切尔诺则姆深处土壤碳酸盐的稳定碳和氧组成的信息有限。进行这项研究是为了确定俄罗斯黑钙土(草原的典型土壤之一)中散布的碳酸盐的稳定同位素地球化学。采样了三个地点:一个天然草地(至少耕种了至少300年),一个位于V.V.附近的连续50年的休耕地。俄罗斯库尔斯克地区的Alekhin中部-切尔诺泽姆生物圈国家保护区,以及库尔斯克农学和土壤侵蚀控制研究所的实验站连续种植的田地。所有取样的土壤均分类为细粉质,混合的,寒冷的Pachic Hapludolls。碳酸盐的稳定碳同位素组成随深度和土地利用而变化:在天然草原田地中,三角洲13C的范围为-6.1-(-7.7)/ mil;连续休耕地的三角洲13C处于-5.7-(-9.8)/密耳小便迪贝利米特(PDB);在连续种植的田间,三角洲13C处于每密耳PDB -5.1-(-10.2)的范围内。碳酸盐的稳定氧同位素组成也随深度和土地利用而变化:在天然草地田地中,三角洲18O的变化范围为-6.9-(-9.4)/ mil。连续休耕三角洲18O处于-6.2-(-10.7)/密耳的范围内;在连续种植的田地中,三角洲18O处于-7.0-(-9.4)/ mil范围内。需要更多的研究来研究培养对成岩碳酸盐稳定同位素特征的影响。



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