首页> 外文期刊>Solar physics >Assessing the Effect of Spacecraft Motion on Single-Spacecraft SolarWind Tracking Techniques

Assessing the Effect of Spacecraft Motion on Single-Spacecraft SolarWind Tracking Techniques


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Recent advances in wide-angle imaging by the Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) on board the Coriolis spacecraft and more recently by the Heliospheric Imagers (HI) aboard NASA's Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory (STEREO), have enabled solar wind transients to be imaged and tracked from the Sun to 1 AU and beyond. In this paper we consider two of the techniques that have been used to determine the propagation characteristics of solar wind transients based on single-spacecraft observations, in particular propagation direction and radial speed. These techniques usually assume that the observing spacecraft remains stationary for the duration of observation of the solar wind transient. We determine the inaccuracy introduced by this assumption for the two STEREO spacecraft and find that it can be significant, and it can lead to an overestimation of the transient velocity as seen from STEREO-A and an underestimation as seen by STEREO-B. This has implications for the prediction or solar wind transients at 1 AU and hence is important for the study of space weather.
机译:通过科里奥利航天器上的太阳质量喷射成像器(SMEI)以及最近在NASA的太阳地球关系观测站(STEREO)上的日球成像器(HI)进行的广角成像技术的最新发展,使对太阳风的瞬变进行了成像和从太阳追踪到1 AU及以后。在本文中,我们考虑了基于单飞船观测来确定太阳风瞬变传播特性的两种技术,特别是传播方向和径向速度。这些技术通常假设观测航天器在观测太阳风瞬变期间保持静止。我们确定了此假设对两个STEREO航天器造成的不准确性,并发现它可能很重要,并且可能导致从STEREO-A看到的瞬态速度过高,而从STEREO-B看到的过低。这对1 AU处的太阳风瞬变的预测有影响,因此对空间天气的研究很重要。



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