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Vibration and acoustic testing of spacecraft


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Spacecraft are subjected to a variety of dynamics environments, which may include: quasi-static, vibration and acoustic loads at launch; pyrotechnic shocks generated by separation mechanisms; on-orbit jitter; and sometimes, planetary landing loads. There is a trend in the aerospace industry to rely more on structural analyses and less on testing to simulate these environments, because dynamics testing of spacecraft is time consuming, risky and expensive. However, as Dr. Edward Stone, the previous director of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) told some students in the wake of the failures of two Mars spacecraft in 1999, "The key thing is to test. Build it, test it and test it some more. Because once it's gone, it's too late." Recognizing the essential role of testing, NASA is devoting considerable resources to the development of innovative and more efficient approaches to dynamics testing.
机译:航天器会受到多种动力学环境的影响,其中可能包括:发射时的准静态,振动和声载荷;分离机制产生的烟火冲击;在轨抖动;有时还有行星着陆负载。航空航天工业中有一种趋势,越来越依赖于结构分析,而越来越少地依靠测试来模拟这些环境,因为对航天器进行动力学测试既耗时,风险又昂贵。然而,正如喷气推进实验室(JPL)的前任主任爱德华·斯通博士(Edward Stone)所说,在1999年两架火星飞船发生故障之后,他们说:“关键是要测试。建造,测试和测试还有一点。因为一旦消失,就来不及了。”意识到测试的重要作用,NASA投入了大量资源来开发创新,更高效的动力学测试方法。



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