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Three-dimensional numerical simulation of detonations in coaxial tubes


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Three-dimensional numerical simulation of detonations in both a circular tube and a coaxial tube are simulated to reveal characteristics of single spinning and two-headed detonations. The numerical results show a feature of a single spinning detonation which was discovered in 1926. Transverse detonations are observed in both tubes, however, the single spinning mode maintains the complex Mach reflection whereas the two-headed mode develops periodically from the single Mach reflection to the complex one. The calculated cell aspect ratio for the two-headed mode changes from 1.09 to 1.34 as the radius of axial insert increases from r(1)/R = 0.1 to 0.9. The calculated cell aspect ratio for r(1)/R = 0.1 is close to the experimental results without an axial insert. The formation of an unreacted gas pocket behind the detonation front was not observed in the single spinning mode; however, the two-headed mode has unreacted gas pocket behind the front near the axial insert.
机译:对圆形管和同轴管中的爆轰进行了三维数值模拟,以揭示单旋和双头爆轰的特征。数值结果显示了1926年发现的单旋转爆轰的特征。在两个管中均观察到横向爆轰,但是,单旋转模式保持了复杂的马赫反射,而双头模式则周期性地从单马赫反射发展为复杂的。随着轴向插入物的半径从r(1)/ R = 0.1增大到0.9,双头模式的计算出的单元长宽比从1.09变为1.34。 r(1)/ R = 0.1的计算单元长宽比与没有轴向插入物的实验结果接近。在单旋转模式下,未观察到在爆轰前沿后面形成未反应的气穴的现象。但是,双头模式在轴向插件附近的前部后面有未反应的气穴。



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