首页> 外文期刊>Soil Biology & Biochemistry >Impact of nitrogen fertilization and soil tillage on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities in a Mediterranean agroecosystem

Impact of nitrogen fertilization and soil tillage on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities in a Mediterranean agroecosystem


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The impact of nitrogen (N) fertilization and tillage on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) was studied in a Mediterranean arable system by combining molecular, biochemical and morphological analyses of field soil and of soil and roots from trap plants grown in microcosm. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) of PCR DGGE banding patterns evidenced that AMF communities in the field are affected by N-fertilization and tillage. N-fertilization was also the main factor shaping AMF communities in Medicago sativa trap plant soil and roots. The overall sporulation pattern of the different AMF species showed a predominant effect of tillage on AMF communities, as shown by CCA analysis. Funneliformis mosseae was the predominant species sporulating in tilled soils, while Glomus viscosum and Glomus intraradices prevailed in no-tilled soils. Field glomalin-related soil protein content was reduced by tillage practices. Our multimodal approach, providing data on two main production factors affecting soil AMF communities, may help implementing effective agricultural management strategies able to support the beneficial relationship between crops and native AMF symbionts
机译:在地中海耕作系统中,通过结合田间土壤以及缩微生长的诱集植物的土壤和根的分子,生化和形态分析,研究了氮(N)施肥和耕作对丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)的影响。 PCR DGGE谱带模式的典型对应分析(CCA)证明,田间AMF群落受到氮肥和耕作的影响。氮肥也是影响紫花苜蓿诱捕植物土壤和根系AMF群落的主要因素。如CCA分析所示,不同AMF物种的总体孢子形成模式显示了耕作对AMF群落的主要影响。耕地土壤中孢子菌主要是孢子形成,而黏土土壤中的粘球菌和内圆弧菌则普遍存在。耕作方式减少了田间gloomalin相关的土壤蛋白质含量。我们的多峰方法提供了影响土壤AMF群落的两个主要生产要素的数据,可能有助于实施有效的农业管理策略,从而能够支持农作物与本地AMF共生体之间的有益关系。



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