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Plant-Soil-Hydrology Relationships in Three Carolina Bays in Bladen County, North Carolina


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This study provides quantitative ecological targets for restoring degraded peat-based Carolina Bays in the Carolina Flatwoods Ecoregion. Cluster analysis of vegetation data from three Carolina Bay reference sites in Bladen County, North Carolina, indicated four plant communities present: pond pine (Pin us serotina) woodland, non-riverine swamp forest dominated by swamp gum (Nyssa biflora), high pocosin dominated by evergreen shrubs with scattered pond pine, and bay forest dominated by loblolly bay (Gordonia lasianthus). We classified bay soils according to surface organic layer thickness (OLT) into mineral, histic, shallow organic, and deep organic types. We monitored the water table of each soil type in one bay throughout one growing season. The soil types with corresponding water table regimes were: mineral (9.4 cm mean OLT with a rooting zone water table [RZWT] 39% of the monitoring period), histic (27.5 cm OLT and 76% RZWT), shallow organic (63.9 cm OLT and 84% RZWT), and deep organic (102.5 cm OLT and 57% RZWT).
机译:这项研究提供了定量的生态目标,用于恢复卡罗来纳州平板森林生态区中退化的泥炭基卡罗来纳州海湾。来自北卡罗莱纳州布雷登县三个卡罗莱纳州海湾参考点的植被数据的聚类分析表明,目前存在四个植物群落:池塘松(Pin us serotina)林地,以沼泽胶(Nyssa biflora)为主的非河沼沼泽森林,以高胶蛋白为主的由常绿灌木和散落的池塘松树组成,以及由火炬海湾(Gordonia lasianthus)为主的海湾森林。我们根据地表有机层厚度(OLT)将海湾土壤分类为矿物,历史,浅有机和深有机类型。在整个生长季节中,我们在一个海湾中监测每种土壤类型的地下水位。具有相应地下水位制度的土壤类型为:矿物质(9.4 cm的平均OLT,生根带地下水位[RZWT]为监测期的39%),组织的(27.5 cm的OLT和76%RZWT的),浅有机层(63.9 cm的OLT和84%RZWT)和深有机层(102.5 cm OLT和57%RZWT)。



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