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The influence of 12 years of tillage and crop rotation on total and labile organic carbon in a sandy loam soil.


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Information on which management practices can enhance soil organic matter (SOM) content and quality can be useful for developing sustainable crop production systems. We tested the influence of 12 years of no-till (NT) versus conventional tillage (CT), and four crop sequences on the organic C pools of a Grey Luvisolic sandy loam soil in northwestern Alberta, Canada. The crop sequences were: continuous wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), field pea (Pisum sativum L.)-wheat-canola (Brassica rapa L.)-wheat, red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) green manure-wheat-canola-wheat/red clover and fallow-wheat-canola-wheat. Soil samples from 1992, when the study was initiated, and 1996, 2000 and 2004 were analysed for total organic C (TOC), the light fraction (LF) and its C content, and water-soluble and mineralizable C. Total organic C in the top 15 cm of soil was higher in the red clover rotation than either the pea or fallow rotation by 1996. The tillage effect became significant only in 2004 with NT having a higher TOC than CT. The LF dry matter (DM) increased from 6.9 g kg-1 soil in 1992 to a range of 10-13 g kg-1 in 2000 and 2004. It was higher under NT than CT in 2 of 3 years and in the red clover rotation than the pea or fallow rotation in 1 of 3 years. The LF C content exhibited a similar trend as LF DM. The water-soluble and mineralizable C pools were not affected by tillage but decreased with time. Among crop rotations, the red clover rotation tended to result in higher levels of hot water-soluble and mineralizable C. It is concluded that tillage had a greater influence than crop rotation on the LF DM and LF C (as indicators of C storage), whereas the converse effect applied to mineralizable C and, to a lesser degree, hot water-soluble C (as indicators of SOM quality).
机译:有关哪些管理实践可以提高土壤有机质(SOM)含量和质量的信息,对于开发可持续的作物生产系统很有用。我们测试了12年免耕(NT)与常规耕作(CT)以及四种作物序列对加拿大艾伯塔省西北部灰色路维沙地砂壤土土壤有机碳库的影响。作物序列为:连续小麦(Triticum aestivum L.),豌豆(Pisum sativum L。)-小麦油菜(Brassica rapa L。)-小麦,红三叶草(Trifolium pratense L.),绿色肥料-小麦-canola-小麦/红三叶草和休闲小麦,油菜籽小麦。从1992年研究开始时的土壤样品以及1996年,2000年和2004年的土壤样品中分析了总有机碳(TOC),轻组分(LF)及其碳含量以及水溶性和可矿化碳。到1996年,红三叶草轮作的前15 cm土层高于豌豆或休耕轮作。直到2004年,耕作效果才变得显着,因为NT的TOC高于CT。 LF干物质(DM)从1992年的6.9 g kg-1土壤增加到2000和2004年的10-13 g kg-1范围。在3年中的2年和红三叶草中,NT下的干物质含量均高于CT。轮换比豌豆或休耕轮换3年中的1年。 LF C含量表现出与LF DM相似的趋势。水溶性和可矿化的碳库不受耕作的影响,但会随时间而减少。在农作物轮作中,红三叶草轮作倾向于导致较高水平的水溶性和可矿化碳。结论是,耕作对农作物轮作的影响比农作物轮作更重要。而相反的效果适用于可矿化的碳,在较小程度上适用于热水可溶性碳(作为SOM质量的指标)。



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