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Nitrate leaching in a clay loam soil after 44 years of consistent fertilization and crop rotation.


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Concerns about health and environmental effects of nitrate-contaminated water have made it imperative to estimate nitrate leaching losses through agricultural soils to groundwater. The objectives of this study were to establish the partitioning of the predicted water and nitrate leaching out of the root zone into tile-drainage and deep-drainage water, and to quantify baseline nitrate leaching from tile-drained plots on a Brookston clay loam soil (Orthic Humic Gleysol). Treatments included conventionally-tilled fertilized and non-fertilized continuous corn (Zea mays L.), continuous Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.), and a corn-oats (Avena sativa L.)-alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.)-alfalfa rotation with each crop in the rotation grown every year. The fertilized plots received chemical fertilizer applications of 16.8 kg N ha-1, 67.2 kg P2O5ha-1, and 33.6 kg K 2O ha-1 annually. Corn also received 112.2 kg N ha-1 of side-dressed ammonium nitrate. LEACHN a sub-model of LEACHM (L&barbelow;eaching E&barbelow;stimation A&barbelow;nd C&barbelow;H&barbelow;emistry M&barbelow;odel) was used to predict total nitrate leaching at 70 cm depth in four selected plots.; The cumulative nitrate losses (1999--2002) in tile drainage water were 131.6 kg N ha-1 for fertilized rotation corn and 79.7 kg N ha-1 for fertilized continuous corn. In contrast, cumulative nitrate losses in tile drainage were lower for non-fertilized bluegrass (4.4 kg N ha-1), fertilized bluegrass (6.6 kg N ha -1), and non-fertilized continuous corn (7.5 kg N ha -1).; The LEACHN predicted cumulative (1999--2002) percentages of water and nitrate that were considered as deep-drainage in four plots were 59% water (597 mm) and 78% nitrate (156 kg NO3-N ha-1) in rotation fertilized treatment, 48% water (481 mm) and 58% nitrate (112 kg NO3-N ha-1) in continuous corn fertilized treatment, 40% water (405 mm) and 55% nitrate (31 kg NO3-N ha -1) in rotation non-fertilized treatment, and 60% water (326 mm) and 57% nitrate (10 kg NO3-N ha-1) in continuous corn non-fertilized treatment.; Over 4-years, the predicted baseline nitrate leaching in the non-fertilized rotation plot (54.8 kg NO3-N ha-1) was 27% of that in the fertilized rotation plot (199.9 kg NO3-N ha -1), while in the non-fertilized continuous corn treatment (17.5 kg NO3-N ha-1) it was only 9% of that in the corresponding fertilized treatment (191.7 kg NO3-N ha-1 ).
机译:由于担心硝酸盐污染的水对健康和环境的影响,因此必须估算通过农业土壤流向地下水的硝酸盐的损失量。这项研究的目的是确定从根区出来的预测水和硝态氮的淋失分配到瓷砖排水和深层排水中,并量化布鲁克斯顿黏土壤土上瓷砖排水地块的基线硝态氮淋溶( Orthic Humic Gleysol)。处理方法包括常规耕种的和未施肥的连续玉米(Zea mays L.),连续肯塔基肯塔基草(Poa pratensis L.)和玉米燕麦(Avena sativa L。)-苜蓿(Medicago sativa L。)-alfalfa轮作,每年轮换种植每种作物。施肥的地块每年分别施肥16.8千克N ha-1、67.2千克P2O5ha-1和33.6千克K 2O ha-1。玉米还接受了112.2千克N ha-1的硝酸铵。 LEACHN LEACHM的一个子模型(Leaching E&barbelow; stimation A&barbelow; nd C&barbelow; H&barbelow; emistry M&barbelow; odel)被用来预测四个选定地块中70 cm深度的硝酸盐总浸出量。施肥的旋转玉米在排水中累积的硝酸盐损失(1999--2002)为131.6 kg N ha-1,而连续施肥的玉米为79.7 kg N ha-1。相反,未施肥的禾本科草(4.4 kg N ha -1),未施肥的禾草(6.6 kg N ha -1)和未施肥的连续玉米(7.5 kg N ha -1)在瓷砖排水中的累积硝酸盐损失较低。 。; LEACHN预测在四个地块中被视为深层排水的水和硝酸盐的累计百分比(1999--2002)为轮作施肥中59%的水(597 mm)和78%的硝酸盐(156 kg NO3-N ha-1)处理,连续玉米施肥处理中48%的水(481 mm)和58%的硝酸盐(112 kg NO3-N ha-1),40%的水(405 mm)和55%硝酸盐(31 kg NO3-N ha -1)在轮作非施肥处理中,在连续玉米非施肥处理中使用60%的水(326毫米)和57%的硝酸盐(10 kg NO3-N ha-1)。在4年中,非施肥轮作区(54.8 kg NO3-N ha-1)的预测基线硝态氮淋失量为施肥轮作区(199.9 kg NO3-N ha -1)的27%。相对于未施肥的连续玉米处理(17.5 kg NO3-N ha-1),仅是相应施肥处理(191.7 kg NO3-N ha-1)的9%。



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