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Fine root production and mortality in irrigated cotton, maize and sorghum sown in vertisols of northern New South Wales, Australia


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Fine root (2 mm diameter) turnover (production and mortality) drives soil processes such as nutrient fluxes, carbon cycling and sequestration, activity of soil biota and structural stabilisation. Research on fine root dynamics has been focussed primarily on rainfed perennial and annual ecosystems in coarse and medium-textured soils with few studies conducted in irrigated fine-textured soils such as the vertisols. The objective of this study was to quantify the effects of tillage methods and the summer crops of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), maize (Zea mays L) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench.) on fine root number density in the non-sodic sub-surface (0.1-0.5 m) and sodic subsoil (0.6-0.9 m) of irrigated vertisols (average clay concentration 65 g 100 g(-1) in the surface 1 m) in northern New South Wales. It was hypothesised that fine root number density of cotton would be lower than that of maize and sorghum in the subsoil due to cotton's poor tolerance of anaerobic conditions. Fine root production, mortality and root number density of cotton, maize and sorghum, measured with a minirhizotron and a Bartz ICAP (R) image capture system, were evaluated for the 0.1-0.5 m and 0.6-0.9 m depth intervals in several irrigated experiments near Narrabri, NSW, Australia. Fine root density of cotton was low, with most occurring in the surface 0.5 m. Subsoil (0.6-0.9 m) root number densities of cotton were very low in continuous cotton under conventional tillage and on permanent raised beds (PRBs) but were greater with a cotton-wheat (Triticum aestivum L) rotation sown on PRBs. Averaged over the two seasons, 2004-2005 and 2006-2007, and depth intervals, there were 3.4 roots x 100 mm(-2) in continuous cotton sown after conventional tillage, 1.2 roots x 100 mm(-2) in continuous cotton sown on PRBs and 6.0 roots x 100 mm(-2) in cotton-wheat sown on PRBs. Between cotton genotypes, root number density during boll production and filling of a Bollgard (R)-Roundup-Ready (R) cotton variety was less than that of its corresponding non-Bollgard variant. Maize live root numbers did not differ significantly between continuous maize and a cotton-maize rotation but differed between depth intervals. Averaged over years and rotations, during tasselling maize had 21.5 roots x 100 mm(-2) in the 0.1-0.5 m depth interval and 5.3 roots x 100 mm(-2) in the 0.6-0.9 m depth interval. Root number density of sorghum was greater with no-tillage than with tillage in wetter seasons but generally similar or lower during a drier season. Average root numbers in the 0.1-0.5 m depth interval during the "wet" seasons of 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 were 4.4 roots.100 mm(-2) with tillage and 9.3 roots x 100 mm(-2) with no-tillage, and in the 0.6-0.9 m depth interval were 4.5 roots x 100 mm(-2) with tillage and 10.5 roots x 100 mm(-2) with no-tillage. During the "dry" season of 2012-2013, however, root numbers in the 0.1-0.5 m depth interval were 16.6 roots x 100 mm(-2) with tillage and 11.8 roots x 100 mm(-2) with no-tillage, and in the 0.6-0.9 m depth interval were 13.8 roots x 100 mm(-2) with tillage and 9.0 roots x 100 mm(-2) with no-tillage. Fine root density of cotton was low, whereas those of sorghum and maize were high with relatively large values occurring in the deeper subsoil.
机译:细根(直径小于2毫米)的周转率(产量和死亡率)驱动着土壤过程,例如养分通量,碳循环和固存,土壤生物区系活动和结构稳定。精细根系动力学的研究主要集中在粗养和中等质地土壤上的多年生雨养和多年生生态系统,而很少对灌溉用细质地土壤(如松香油)进行研究。这项研究的目的是量化耕作方法和棉花(Gossypium hirsutum L.),玉米(Zea mays L)和高粱(Sorghum bicolor(L)Moench。)的夏季作物对细根数密度的影响。在新南威尔士州北部灌溉的斜纹棉布的平均厚度为65 g 100 g(-1),非钠盐地下(0.1-0.5 m)和钠盐土壤(0.6-0.9 m)。据推测,由于棉花对厌氧条件的耐受性较差,因此棉花在土壤中的细根数密度将低于玉米和高粱的根数密度。在几个灌溉实验中,分别用微型根瘤菌和Bartz ICAP(R)图像捕获系统测量了棉花,玉米和高粱的细根产量,死亡率和根数密度,评估了0.1-0.5 m和0.6-0.9 m深度的间隔澳大利亚新南威尔士州纳拉布里附近的酒店。棉花的细根密度很低,大部分出现在表面0.5 m处。在常规耕作和永久性抬高的床(PRB)上,连续棉中的棉花底土根数密度非常低,但在PRB上播种的小麦/小麦(Triticum aestivum L)则更大。在2004-2005年和2006-2007年两个季节的平均值和深度间隔上,常规耕种后连续播种的棉花连续有3.4根x 100 mm(-2),连续播种的棉花有1.2根x 100 mm(-2)。在PRB上播种,在PRB上播种的棉麦中有6.0根x 100 mm(-2)。在棉花基因型之间,棉铃生产和Bollgard(R)-Roundup-Ready(R)棉花品种的结铃过程中的根数密度小于其相应的非Bollgard变体的根数密度。连续玉米和棉花-玉米轮作之间的玉米活根数没有显着差异,但在深度间隔之间差异很大。在years年和轮作中平均,在t割玉米期间,深度为0.1-0.5 m的玉米有21.5根x 100 mm(-2),深度为0.6-0.9 m的玉米有5.3根x 100 mm(-2)。在较湿的季节,免耕的高粱根数密度大于耕作,但在较干燥的季节,其根数密度通常相似或更低。在2010-2011年和2011-2012年“湿”季节,深度范围0.1-0.5 m的平均根数为4.4根。100mm(-2)有耕作,而9.3根x 100 mm(-2)没有耕作。耕作,在0.6-0.9 m的深度范围内有4.5根x 100 mm(-2),有耕种,有10.5根x 100 mm(-2),无耕种。但是,在2012-2013年的“干旱”季节,深度为0.1-0.5 m的根系为免耕根系16.6根x 100 mm(-2),免耕根系为11.8根x 100 mm(-2),在0.6-0.9 m的深度范围内,有13.8根x 100 mm(-2)的耕作,有9.0根x 100 mm(-2)的免耕。棉花的细根密度低,而高粱和玉米的细根密度高,而在较深的深层土壤中具有相对较大的值。



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