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Newsprint media representations of the introduction of the HPV vaccination programme for cervical cancer prevention in the UK (2005-2008).


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In September 2008, the human papillomavirus (HPV) immunisation programme was introduced in the UK for schoolgirls aged between 12 and 18 years of age. The vaccine shows high efficacy in preventing infection against HPV types 16 and 18 responsible for 70% of cervical cancer. However, to be most effective, the vaccine needs to be administered before exposure to the viruses and therefore, ideally, before young people become sexually active. The introduction of any new vaccine, and perhaps particularly one given to young teenage girls to prevent a sexually transmitted cancer-causing virus, has the potential to attract a great deal of media attention. This paper reports on content analysis of 344 articles published between January 2005 and December 2008 in 15 UK newspapers. It includes both manifest and latent analysis to examine newsprint media coverage of the introduction of the HPV vaccination programme and its role in HPV advocacy. We concluded that the newspapers were generally positive towards the new HPV vaccination and that over the 4 years period the newsworthiness of the HPV vaccination programme increased. In 2008 two events dominated coverage, firstly, the introduction of the HPV programme in September 2008 and secondly, in August 2008 the diagnosis on camera of cervical cancer given to Jade Goody, a 27 year old mother of two, who gained fame and notoriety in the UK through her participation in several reality television shows. There are two conclusions from this study. Firstly, the positive media coverage surrounding the introduction of the HPV vaccination programme is to be welcomed as it is likely to contribute towards influencing public perceptions about the acceptability and need for HPV vaccination. Secondly, the focus on prevalence rates of HPV infection among women and on women's sexual behaviours, in relation to HPV vaccination 'encouraging' promiscuity, is an unhelpful aspect of media coverage.
机译:2008年9月,英国推出了针对12至18岁女学生的人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)免疫计划。该疫苗在预防感染导致70%的宫颈癌的16型和18型HPV方面显示出很高的功效。但是,为了最有效,疫苗需要在接触病毒之前进行接种,因此,最好在年轻人开始性活跃之前进行。引入任何新疫苗,特别是针对年轻少女预防性传播的致癌病毒的疫苗,都有可能引起媒体的广泛关注。本文报告了2005年1月至2008年12月在15家英国报纸上发表的344条文章的内容分析。它包括清单分析和潜在分析,以检查新闻纸媒体对HPV疫苗接种计划的引入及其在HPV倡导中的作用。我们得出的结论是,报纸普遍对新的HPV疫苗接种持积极态度,并且在过去的四年中,HPV疫苗接种计划的新闻价值不断提高。 2008年,报道覆盖了两个事件,首先是2008年9月推出了HPV计划,其次是2008年8月,对27岁的两个孩子的母亲Jade Goody进行了宫颈癌的摄像头诊断,他在纽约声名and起英国通过参与多个真人秀电视节目。这项研究有两个结论。首先,欢迎人们对采用HPV疫苗接种计划的积极报道,因为这很可能会影响公众对HPV疫苗接种的可接受性和需求的看法。其次,与HPV疫苗“鼓励”滥交有关,关注妇女中HPV感染的流行率和妇女的性行为,是媒体报道的无用方面。



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