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Theorising big IT programmes in healthcare: strong structuration theory meets actor-network theory.


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The UK National Health Service is grappling with various large and controversial IT programmes. We sought to develop a sharper theoretical perspective on the question "What happens - at macro-, meso- and micro-level - when government tries to modernise a health service with the help of big IT?" Using examples from data fragments at the micro-level of clinical work, we considered how structuration theory and actor-network theory (ANT) might be combined to inform empirical investigation. Giddens (1984) argued that social structures and human agency are recursively linked and co-evolve. ANT studies the relationships that link people and technologies in dynamic networks. It considers how discourses become inscribed in data structures and decision models of software, making certain network relations irreversible. Stones' (2005) strong structuration theory (SST) is a refinement of Giddens' work, systematically concerned with empirical research. It views human agents as linked in dynamic networks of position-practices. A quadripartite approcach considers [a] external social structures (conditions for action); [b] internal social structures (agents' capabilities and what they 'know' about the social world); [c] active agency and actions and [d] outcomes as they feed back on the position-practice network. In contrast to early structuration theory and ANT, SST insists on disciplined conceptual methodology and linking this with empirical evidence. In this paper, we adapt SST for the study of technology programmes, integrating elements from material interactionism and ANT. We argue, for example, that the position-practice network can be a socio-technical one in which technologies in conjunction with humans can be studied as 'actants'. Human agents, with their complex socio-cultural frames, are required to instantiate technology in social practices. Structurally relevant properties inscribed and embedded in technological artefacts constrain and enable human agency. The fortunes of healthcare IT programmes might be studied in terms of the interplay between these factors.
机译:英国国家卫生局正在努力解决各种大型且有争议的IT计划。我们试图针对以下问题提出更清晰的理论观点:“当政府试图借助大型IT来实现医疗服务现代化时,会在宏观,中观和微观层面发生什么?”在临床工作的微观水平上,使用来自数据片段的示例,我们考虑了如何将结构化理论和行为者网络理论(ANT)结合起来,以进行实证研究。吉登斯(Giddens,1984)认为,社会结构和人类代理是递归地联系在一起并且共同发展的。 ANT研究动态网络中将人与技术联系起来的关系。它考虑了话语如何被记录在软件的数据结构和决策模型中,从而使某些网络关系不可逆转。 Stones(2005)的强结构理论(SST)是对Giddens工作的改进,系统地关注实证研究。它认为人类代理人是在位置实践的动态网络中联系在一起的。四方方法考虑了[a]外部社会结构(行动条件); [b]内部社会结构(代理人的能力以及他们对社会世界的“了解”); [c]积极的代理和行动,以及[d]在职位练习网络上反馈的结果。与早期结构化理论和ANT相反,SST坚持纪律严谨的概念方法论,并将其与经验证据联系起来。在本文中,我们将SST应用于技术程序的研究,整合了物质交互作用和ANT的要素。例如,我们认为位置实践网络可以是一种社会技术网络,其中与人类结合的技术可以作为“参与者”来研究。在社会实践中实例化技术需要人类代理人及其复杂的社会文化框架。刻入并嵌入技术文物中的与结构相关的属性会限制人的代理能力并使之成为可能。可以根据这些因素之间的相互作用来研究医疗保健IT计划的命运。



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