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Narratives from caregivers of children surviving the terrorist attack in Beslan: Issues of health, culture, and resilience.


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Acts of terrorism have an extremely negative impact on the mental health of children and families. The school siege in Beslan, Russia, in 2004, represents a particularly traumatizing event as it was directed specifically at children and involved the entire community. This qualitative study aims to: (a) examine caregiver reactions to the terrorist attack in Beslan as reported 3 months after the traumatic event; (b) determine the extent to which indigenous cultural values and religious belief systems play a role in Beslan's caregivers' reactions to such event; and (c) identify variables that may function as sources of resilience to caregivers. A convenience sample of 17 primary caregivers from Beslan with at least one child who survived the school siege were asked to participate in semi-structured interviews. Narratives generated from the interviews were qualitatively analyzed using a thematic approach; nine major themes were identified. Caregivers' concerns centered on children's physical and psychological well-being, the reorganization of family life, and the disruption of community ties. Cultural values of pride, heroism, courage, and revenge emerged as relevant aspects shaping caregivers' reactions to the traumatic event. Possible sources of resilience included the willingness to return to normality, social support, and the reaffirmation of positive, culturally shared values in face of the perceived threat of future terrorist attacks. Findings are discussed in terms of their theoretical implications on the effects of trauma on children and families as well as interventions with highly traumatized populations in diverse cultural settings.
机译:恐怖主义行为对儿童和家庭的心理健康具有极其不利的影响。 2004年,在俄罗斯别斯兰发生的学校被围困,这是一场特别令人不安的事件,因为它专门针对儿童,并涉及整个社区。这项定性研究旨在:(a)研究创伤事件3个月后报道的照护者对Beslan恐怖袭击的反应; (b)确定土著文化价值观和宗教信仰体系在别斯兰看护人对此事件的反应中起多大作用; (c)确定可以作为照顾者抗灾力来源的变量。我们邀请来自Beslan的17名主要看护人的便利样本和至少一个在学校被围困后幸存的孩子参加半结构化访谈。使用专题方法定性分析了访谈产生的叙述。确定了九个主要主题。照顾者的关注点集中在儿童的身心健康,家庭生活的改组以及社区关系的破坏上。骄傲,英雄主义,勇气和复仇的文化价值随着塑造护理人员对创伤事件反应的相关方面而出现。复原力的可能来源包括愿意恢复正常状态,社会支持以及面对未来恐怖袭击的威胁而重申积极的,文化共享的价值观。根据研究结果对创伤对儿童和家庭的影响以及在不同文化背景下遭受严重创伤的人群的干预措施的理论意义进行讨论。



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