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They count, though they can't read


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"One day, the leader of a wom-en's group in a village in Ghana met the manager of the local bank who explained her group had an outstanding debt of 90 000 cedi (about US$80) on their loan with the bank. The woman looked surprised and responded that asfar as she remembered, they had completed the repayments. The manager insisted and asked the woman to pay up as soon as possible. The woman was a respected leader in the village, but she had never gone to school. However, realizing education is important, she had joined a numeracy training organized by an FAO-executed project, and she had also successfully completed the follow-up training in simple bookkeeping. In this course she had learned it is important to keep a 'credit book' when selling or buying on credit. When her group had received the bank loan, she had started a 'credit book' on their repayment. When she next met the bank manager she showed him this personal 'credit book,' which proved the group had fulfilled all repayments. In fact, the manager then realized the group had repaid too much and the bank had to reimburse them 5 000 cedi." The case history was related not long ago by the facilitator who taught the woman bookkeeping, but the story actually began almost by accident with an FAOproject for Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries (IDAF) in Benin in the mid-1980s.
机译:“有一天,在加纳的一个村庄里,妇女团体的负责人遇到了当地一家银行的经理,后者解释说,他们的集团在银行的贷款中有9万塞地(约合80美元)的未偿债务。那名妇女看起来很惊讶,并回答说,就她所记得的,他们已经完成了还款,经理坚持并要求这名妇女尽快还​​款,这名妇女是村里一位受人尊敬的领导人,但她从未上过学。 ,认识到教育很重要,她参加了由粮农组织执行的项目组织的识数培训,并且还成功完成了简单簿记的后续培训。在此过程中,她了解到保留一本“贷方簿”非常重要“是在买卖信贷时。当她的小组收到银行贷款时,就开了一张关于他们还款的“贷方簿”。当她下次遇到银行经理时,向他展示了这本个人的“贷方簿”,证明了该小组已完成所有还款。事实上,经理随后意识到该集团已偿还了太多的款项,银行不得不偿还了他们的5 000塞地。”案例历史与不久前由教书女书的主持人有关,但这个故事实际上是由于1980年代中期粮农组织在贝宁的一个手工渔业综合发展项目(IDAF)而偶然发生的。



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