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The importance of full-time work for urban adults' mental and physical health


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Unemployment and underemployment have adverse mental and physical health consequences, such as increased stress and depression. Health damaging behaviors like unhealthy eating, smoking, and alcohol use may be used to cope, contributing to chronic disease risk. In this adverse economic climate, it is vital to understand the health implications of unemployment and underemployment as well as underlying mechanisms. A randomized household survey of adults in six low resource communities was conducted in New Haven, Connecticut in 2009, yielding a sample of 1205 (73% participation) racially diverse adults (61% Black, 20% Latino, 12% White) ages 18-65 (61% women). We used ANOVA to test group differences and structural equation modeling to test mediation. 14.5% were unemployed and looking for work, 18.4% worked part-time, 38.2% worked full-time. Those employed full-time reported the least damaging psychological factors and health behaviors: lowest levels of stress and depression, most healthy and least unhealthy eating, most physical activity, and lowest levels of smoking and drinking. Those employed part-time fell in the middle, and those unemployed fell on the unhealthy end of all psychological and behavioral factors. Stress significantly mediated the associations of full-time employment with frequency of unhealthy eating and physical activity, and amount of cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption. Depression significantly mediated the association of full-time employment with frequency of healthy eating. Compared to <10% nationwide, rates of unemployment in this sample were high. Both those unemployed and employed part-time reported adverse health behaviors as compared to those employed full-time, partially mediated by heightened stress and depression. It is vital for the health and well-being of the nation to increase not simply employment, but specifically full-time employment. Provision of mental health services to those unemployed and underemployed should be a priority to promote healthier lifestyles and prevent costly future chronic disease.
机译:失业和就业不足会对精神和身体健康造成不利影响,例如压力和沮丧感增加。不健康的饮食,吸烟和酗酒等有害健康的行为可能被用来应对,从而增加了患慢性病的风险。在这种不利的经济环境下,至关重要的是要了解失业和就业不足对健康的影响以及潜在的机制。 2009年,在康涅狄格州的纽黑文市对六个资源贫乏社区的成年人进行了一项随机的家庭调查,收集了1205个(73%的参与度)不同种族的成年人(61%的黑人,20%的拉丁裔,12%的白人)的样本, 65(女性占61%)。我们使用ANOVA来测试群体差异,并使用结构方程模型来测试中介。 14.5%的失业者正在寻找工作,18.4%的非全日制工作,38.2%的全职工作。那些全职工作的人报告说,破坏性最小的心理因素和健康行为:最低的压力和抑郁水平,最健康和最不健康的饮食,最多的体育锻炼以及最低的吸烟和饮酒水平。那些兼职的人处于中等水平,而那些失业的人则处于所有心理和行为因素的不健康状态。压力显着地介导了全职工作与不健康饮食和体育锻炼的频率以及吸烟和饮酒量的关系。抑郁症显着介导了全职工作与健康饮食频率的关联。与全国范围内的<10%相比,该样本的失业率很高。与全职工作的人相比,失业和兼职的人都表现出不良的健康行为,部分原因是压力和抑郁的加剧。重要的是,不仅要增加就业,而且要特别增加全职工作,对国家的健康和福祉至关重要。为失业者和就业不足者提供心理健康服务应成为优先事项,以促进更健康的生活方式和预防代价高昂的未来慢性病。



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