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Somatic cell count, lactoferrin and NAGase activity in milk of infected and non-infected udder halves of dairy goats.


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Based on a repeated sampling the influence of an intramammary infection on the somatic cell count (SCC), the content of lactoferrin (Lf) and the activity of N-acetyl- beta -D-glucosaminidase (NAGase) in goats' milk was investigated. 58 dairy goats (German Improved Fawn) were sampled weekly over 3 consecutive weeks and the udder halves were classified according to the results of the bacteriological analysis of the foremilk samples and the results of their parallel half into three groups: uninfected halves with an uninfected parallel half (NoInf/NoInf), uninfected halves with an infected parallel half (NoInf/Inf) and infected halves with an uninfected parallel half (Inf/NoInf). None of the goats had two infected halves, thus, this group was omitted. 15 out of the 58 goats were infected on one udder half. The bacteria detected were Staphylococcus aureus (n=4), coagulase-negative staphylococci (n=7), corynebacteria (n=3) and esculin-positive streptococci (n=1). Log10 SCC, log10 Lf and log10 NAGase were strongly correlated to each other and changed over the sampling period but not uniformly, revealing a significant effect of the sampling day on the variables (F6,98=29.13, p<.001). This could not be explained by an underlying effect due to the stage of lactation or the estrus season the animals were in, and therefore needs further investigation. The infection status had a significant effect on log10 SCC (F2,103=20.22, p< .001), log10 Lf (F2,103=11.18, p<.001) and log10 NAGase (F2,103=12.06, p<.001). Inf/NoInf differed significantly from NoInf/NoInf as well as NoInf/Inf for log10 SCC (p<.01) and log10 Lf (p<.001) whereas the NoInf/NoInf did not differ from NoInf/Inf indicating that the infected halves did not influence their uninfected parallel half. For log10 NAGase this was different: infected halves differed significantly from NoInf/NoInf (p<.01) but not from NoInf/Inf which might be caused by a dependency of the udder halves. Results support the approach to monitor mastitis in goats by means of Lf or NAGase instead of SCC. Further studies should explore the effect of other independent variables, such as estrus, on these indicators and aim for thresholds indicating an intramammary infection.
机译:基于反复取样,研究了山羊乳中乳内感染对体细胞计数(SCC)的影响,测定了乳铁蛋白(Lf)的含量和N-乙酰基-β-D-氨基葡萄糖苷酶(NAGase)的活性。连续三周每周取样58只奶山羊(德国改良小鹿),并根据前半体样品的细菌学分析结果和平行一半的结果将乳房半部分分类为三组:未感染的半部分与未感染的半部分一半(NoInf / NoInf),未感染的一半被感染的一半平行(NoInf / Inf),一半被感染的平行一半被感染(Inf / NoInf)。没有山羊有被感染的两半,因此,该组被省略。 58只山羊中有15只在一半乳房上被感染。检测到的细菌为金黄色葡萄球菌(i)n = 4,凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌(i> n = 7),棒状杆菌(i = 3)和七叶树素阳性链球菌( n = 1)。 Log 10 SCC,log 10 Lf和log 10 NAGase相互之间具有很强的相关性,并且在整个采样周期内均发生了变化,但并不一致。采样日对变量( F 6,98 = 29.13, p <。001)的显着影响。由于哺乳阶段或动物所处的发情季节,不能用潜在的作用来解释这一点,因此需要进一步研究。感染状态对log 10 SCC有显着影响( F 2,103 = 20.22, p <.001) ,log 10 Lf( F 2,103 = 11.18, p <。001)和log 10 < / sub> NAGase( F 2,103 = 12.06, p <。001)。 Log 10 SCC( p <。01)和log 10 Lf的Inf / NoInf与NoInf / NoInf以及NoInf / Inf显着不同( p <。001),而NoInf / NoInf与NoInf / Inf并无不同,表明被感染的两半不影响其未感染的平行一半。对于log 10 NAGase,这是不同的:受感染的一半与NoInf / NoInf( p <。01)显着不同,但与NoInf / Inf的差异不大,这可能是由于一半的乳房。结果支持通过Lf或NAGase代替SCC监测山羊乳腺炎的方法。进一步的研究应探讨其他独立变量(例如发情期)对这些指标的影响,并寻求指示乳内感染的阈值。



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