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Jumping to Conclusions: Bull-Leaping in Minoan Crete


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Bull-leaping has become one of the most emblematic activities of Minoan Crete and has recently received renewed attention with the BBC/British Museum radio series, A History of the World in 100 Objects. One of the featured objects, a Minoan bronze group of a bull and acrobat, was brought to life in a television advertisement using a modern bull and leaper. This act of translation is at the heart of the dialogue this paper seeks to address: the interaction between current human attitudes toward nonhuman animals and their depictions, and those of the Bronze Age. It suggests that the animal practices of the past were shaped by material and social circumstances far removed from those of modernity. The mutual affordances of bulls and humans have resulted in similar interactions, or bull games, in different societies, but modern archaeologists have tended to downplay the relationship between bull and leaper in Bronze Age Crete by regarding bull-leaping in purely symbolic terms. An archaeological account informed by Human-Animal Studies can instead bring to the foreground both the familiarity and distinctiveness of past human-animal relationships.
机译:斗牛已成为米诺阿克里特岛(Minoan Crete)最具标志性的活动之一,并且最近受到英国广播公司(BBC)/大英博物馆(BBC)和英国博物馆(British Museum)广播系列连续剧《 100个物体的世界历史》的关注。其中一个特色对象是由公牛和杂技演员组成的Minoan青铜器组,使用现代的公牛和跳投器在电视广告中栩栩如生。这种翻译行为是本文寻求解决的对话的核心:当前人类对非人类动物及其描述以及青铜时代的态度之间的相互作用。它表明,过去的动物习俗是由与现代性相去甚远的物质和社会环境所塑造的。公牛与人类的共同承受能力在不同的社会中导致了相似的互动或公牛游戏,但是现代考古学家倾向于以纯象征性的眼光看待公牛的游走而淡化了青铜时代克里特岛公牛与跳投者之间的关系。取而代之的是,人类动物研究提供的考古学资料可以使过去的人类与动物之间的亲密关系和独特性成为人们关注的焦点。



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