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The Use of a Bud Freezing Technique to Determine the Hardiness of 20 Grape Genotypes


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Pencil thick canes (~8 mm) from 20 different grape cul-tivars were harvested at 2 different dates in the fall (October and Novem-be-r). The cultivars had previously been classified as hardy (group A), semi-hardy (group B) or tender (group C). Individual bud sections of the canes were placed in a refrigeration unit and subjected to sequential freezing temperatures of 19°F, 5°F, -8°F and -22°F (-7°C, -15°C, -22°C, and - 30°C) for 24 hours at each temperature. Samples were removed each day to evaluate the survival of buds. Results for the samples taken in October showed that almost 100% of the buds were killed once they were subjected to - 8°F (-22°C ) or colder. The critical temperature appeared to he 5°F (- 15°C), where there was a markeddifference in survival between the 3 groups of genotypes: percent mortality was 46%, 68% and 94% for groups A, B, and C, respectively, In November, most of the hardy cultivars showed little adverse effects at -8°F (-22°C), whereas the tender cultivarssuffered the most injury with percent mortality of 2.5% and 83%, respectively.
机译:在秋天的两个不同日期(10月和Novem-be-r)收获了来自20个不同葡萄栽培品种的铅笔粗的茎茎(〜8 mm)。以前将这些品种分为强壮的(A组),半强壮的(B组)或嫩的(C组)。将甘蔗的各个芽段放置在制冷装置中,并依次经受19°F,5°F,-8°F和-22°F(-7°C,-15°C,-22°F C和-30°C)在每个温度下放置24小时。每天取出样品以评估芽的存活。 10月份采集的样品的结果显示,一旦它们经受-8°F(-22°C)或更低温度,几乎就会杀死100%的芽。临界温度似乎达到5°F(-15°C),三组基因型之间的存活率存在明显差异:A,B和C组的死亡率分别为46%,68%和94%,分别在11月,大多数强壮品种在-8°F(-22°C)下几乎没有不良反应,而嫩品种遭受的伤害最大,死亡率分别为2.5%和83%。



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