首页> 外文期刊>Smart Materials & Structures >Concrete structural health monitoring using embedded piezoceramic transducers

Concrete structural health monitoring using embedded piezoceramic transducers


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Health monitoring of reinforced concrete bridges and other large-scale civil infrastructures has received considerable attention in recent years. However, traditional inspection methods (x-ray, C-scan, etc) are expensive and sometimes ineffective for large-scale structures. Piezoceramic transducers have emerged as new tools for the health monitoring of large-scale structures due to their advantages of active sensing, low cost, quick response, availability in different shapes, and simplicity for implementation. In this research, piezoceramic transducers are used for damage detection of a 6.1 m long reinforced concrete bridge bent-cap. Piezoceramic transducers are embedded in the concrete structure at pre-determined spatial locations prior to casting. This research can be considered as a continuation of an earlier work, where four piezoceramic transducers were embedded in planar locations near one end of the bent-cap. This research involves ten piezoceramic patches embedded at spatial locations in four different cross-sections. To induce cracks in the bent-cap, the structure is subjected to loads from four hydraulic actuators with capacities of 80 and 100 ton. In addition to the piezoceramic sensors, strain gages, LVDTs, and microscopes are used in the experiment to provide reference data. During the experiment, one embedded piezoceramic patch is used as an actuator to generate high frequency waves, and the other piezoceramic patches are used as sensors to detect the propagating waves. With the increasing number and severity of cracks, the magnitude of the sensor output decreases. Wavelet packet analysis is used to analyze the recorded sensor signals. A damage index is formed on the basis of the wavelet packet analysis. The experimental results show that the proposed methods of using piezoceramic transducers along with the damage index based on wavelet packet analysis are effective in identifying the existence and severity of cracks inside the concrete structure. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method has the ability to predict the failure of a concrete structure as verified by results from conventional microscopes (MSs) and LVDTs.
机译:近年来,钢筋混凝土桥梁和其他大型民用基础设施的健康监控受到了广泛关注。但是,传统的检查方法(X射线,C扫描等)价格昂贵,有时对大型结构无效。压电陶瓷换能器由于具有主动感应,低成本,快速响应,不同形状的可用性以及易于实现的优点,已成为用于大型结构健康监测的新工具。在这项研究中,压电陶瓷换能器用于6.1 m长的钢筋混凝土桥梁弯盖的损伤检测。在铸造之前,将压电陶瓷换能器嵌入到混凝土结构中的预定空间位置。可以认为这项研究是对早期工作的延续,该工作是将四个压电陶瓷换能器嵌入到弯帽一端附近的平面位置。这项研究涉及在四个不同横截面中的空间位置嵌入的十个压电陶瓷贴片。为了在弯曲帽中引起裂纹,该结构受到来自四个液压执行器的负载,这些液压执行器的容量为80吨和100吨。除压电陶瓷传感器外,实验中还使用了应变计,LVDT和显微镜来提供参考数据。在实验过程中,一个嵌入式的压电陶瓷贴片用作产生高频波的致动器,另一个压电陶瓷贴片用作检测传播波的传感器。随着裂纹数量的增加和严重程度的提高,传感器输出的大小会降低。小波包分析用于分析记录的传感器信号。基于小波包分析形成损伤指数。实验结果表明,所提出的基于小波包分析的压电陶瓷换能器与损伤指标结合使用的方法可以有效地识别混凝土结构内部裂缝的存在和严重程度。实验结果表明,该方法具有预测混凝土结构破坏的能力,这一点已通过常规显微镜(MS)和LVDT的结果验证。



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