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Loss to follow-up among adults attending human immunodeficiency virus services in England, wales, and northern ireland.


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AIM: : To assess the extent to which human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-diagnosed adults attending HIV-services in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland are lost to follow-up or attend services intermittently. METHODS: : A cohort of HIV-diagnosed adults was created by linking records across the 1998 to 2007 national annual Survey of Prevalent HIV Infections Diagnosed. The records were also linked to the national HIV and acquired immune deficiency syndrome New Diagnoses Database (n = 61,495) and to Office for National Statistics death records. Patterns of HIV-service attendance were analyzed. RESULTS: : On average, 90% of adults attending HIV-services in any one year attended the following year. Nearly 5% of adults attending services in any one year were lost to follow-up, a further 4% subsequently attended services intermittently, whereas less than 2% died. Cumulatively, 19% of adults seen for HIV care between 1998 and 2006 were lost to follow-up by the end of 2007. Factors associated with loss to follow-up included being the following: female; aged 15 to 34 years; black-African or "other" ethnicity; not on antiretroviral therapy; recently diagnosed; and infected outside the United Kingdom. CONCLUSIONS: : Although the majority of HIV-diagnosed adults in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland attended HIV-services regularly, cumulatively nearly 1 in 5 adults were lost to follow-up between 1998 and 2007. Innovative strategies focusing on those most likely to drop out of regular care should be developed to maintain regular service engagement and to ensure optimal care.
机译:目的::评估在英格兰,威尔士和北爱尔兰参加艾滋病毒服务的被诊断为人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)的成年人失去随访或间歇性服役的程度。方法:通过链接1998年至2007年全国年度诊断出的艾滋病毒普遍感染调查的记录,创建了一组艾滋病毒确诊的成年人。这些记录还与国家艾滋病毒和后天免疫机能丧失综合症新诊断数据库(n = 61,495)以及国家统计局死亡记录相关联。分析了艾滋病服务的出勤方式。结果::平均而言,任何一年参加艾滋病服务的成年人中有90%次年参加了。在任何一年中,服役的成年人中有近5%失去了随访,随后又有4%的人间歇性地服役,而不到2%的人死亡。到2007年底,在1998年至2006年间接受艾滋病毒治疗的成年人中,有19%失去了随访。与随访失败相关的因素包括:女性; 15至34岁;非洲黑人或“其他”种族;不接受抗逆转录病毒疗法;最近被诊断;并在英国以外感染。结论:尽管在英格兰,威尔士和北爱尔兰,大多数被艾滋病毒诊断的成年人定期参加艾滋病服务,但在1998年至2007年之间,仍有5分之1的成年人失去了后续行动。针对那些最有可能被艾滋病毒感染的成年人采取的创新策略应制定辍学计划,以保持定期服务并确保最佳护理。



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