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High incidence of asymptomatic syphilis in HIV-infected MSM justifies routine screening.


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BACKGROUND: Recently, the incidence of syphilis has risen, mainly among men having sex with men (MSM), many of whom are coinfected with HIV. Current guidelines recommend at least yearly syphilis testing in this group. In this study, we assessed the yield of routine syphilis screening in outpatient HIV-patients. METHODS: From March through June 2003, syphilis serology was routinely performed in HIV-infected patients visiting our outpatient clinic. Serology was repeated six months later. Positive test results of the first episode were compared to historical test results (retrospective analysis). Test results of the second episode were compared to test results from the first episode (prospective analysis). Case records of all patients with a new infection were reviewed for symptomatic disease or testing because of syphilis contacts, versus asymptomatic disease. RESULTS: In the retrospective analysis, 1,105 patients were included. In 68 patients, 81 syphilis infections were identified, of which 33% asymptomatic. 77/81 infections were acquired between 2000 and 2003, resulting in a total incidence of 2.7/100 person years (PY) of follow-up, and 0.9/100 PY for asymptomatic disease. In MSM, the incidence rate was 4.6/100 and 1.5/100 PY respectively. In the prospective analysis, 1,010 patients were included. Seventeen patients, all MSM, had a new or recurrent syphilis infection, of whom 4 asymptomatic, accounting for a total event rate of 3.5/100 PY. In MSM, the event rate was 6.2/100 PY, with an incidence of asymptomatic disease of 1.4/100 PY. CONCLUSION: Routine screening for syphilis identifies significant numbers of asymptomatic syphilis infection in HIV-infected MSM.
机译:背景:最近,梅毒的发病率上升了,主要发生在男男性接触者中,其中许多人是合并感染艾滋病毒的。当前的指南建议该组至少每年进行梅毒检测。在这项研究中,我们评估了门诊HIV病人常规梅毒筛查的产率。方法:从2003年3月至2003年6月,在我们门诊就诊的HIV感染患者中定期进行梅毒血清学检查。六个月后再次进行血清学检查。将第一集的阳性测试结果与历史测试结果进行比较(回顾性分析)。将第二集的测试结果与第一集的测试结果进行比较(前瞻性分析)。对所有新感染患者的病例记录进行了检查,以检查是否因梅毒接触而出现症状性疾病或进行检查,而无症状者则进行检查。结果:回顾性分析纳入1,105例患者。在68例患者中,确定了81例梅毒感染,其中33%无症状。在2000年至2003年之间获得了77/81次感染,随访的总发生率为2.7 / 100人年(PY),而无症状疾病的总发生率为0.9 / 100 PY。在MSM中,发生率分别为4.6 / 100和1.5 / 100 PY。在前瞻性分析中,包括1,010名患者。所有MSM患者中有17例患有新的或复发性梅毒感染,其中4例无症状,占总事件发生率3.5 / 100 PY。在MSM中,事件发生率为6.2 / 100 PY,无症状疾病的发生率为1.4 / 100 PY。结论:梅毒的常规筛查可确定HIV感染的MSM中有大量无症状的梅毒感染。



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