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Quality control of antibiotics before the implementation of an STD program in Northern Myanmar.


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BACKGROUND: The ready availability of poor-quality drugs in developing countries leads to treatment failure and, consequently, excess mortality and morbidity. Moreover, the widespread availability of substandard drugs plays a key role in increasing the resistance to antimicrobial drugs.GOAL As a prerequisite to the establishment of a sexually transmitted disease (STD) control program, this study aimed to evaluate the quality of antibiotics recommended for treatment of STDs that were locally available in the capital of a province of Northern Myanmar. STUDY DESIGN: In addition to the hospital pharmacy, we selected at random 5 of the 41 drug sellers and 5 of the 40 general practitioners who sell antibiotics in the city of Myitkyina. Twenty-one marketing products corresponding to nine different antibiotics used for STD treatment were purchased (benzathine benzylpenicillin, benzylpenicillin, ceftriaxone, chlortetracycline, ciprofloxacin, clotrimazole, co-trimoxazole, doxycycline, and erythromycin). Drugs were sent to France, where they were analyzed according to the WHO guidelines. Drugs were considered to be standard if their dosage remained in the 10% range of the expected value. RESULTS: Among the 21 different specialty products, only three displayed the official "registered" label. Three drugs were expired and the expiration date was not available for six others. One product did not contain the active drug declared (chlortetracycline; Lombisin, Unicorn, China) and did not show any in vitro activity against bacteria. Seven of 21 products (33%) did not contain the stated dosage (1, more than stated dosage; 6, less than stated dosage). The highest deficit observed was 48% in two products (co-trimoxazole, Yong Fong, Myanmar; benzylpenicillin, China [city and manufacturer unknown]). The dosage was not available for five drugs. As a result, only 8 of 21 products (38%) did not contain the stated dosage of active drug. CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that public health policies based on national treatment guidelines should rigorously include the monitoring of quality control of available antimicrobial products. In the absence of such measures, specific treatment strategies are likely to fail and to generate drug resistance.
机译:背景:发展中国家现有的劣质药物容易导致治疗失败,并因此导致过多的死亡率和发病率。此外,次标准药物的广泛普及在提高对抗菌药物的耐药性中起着关键作用。目标作为建立性传播疾病(STD)控制计划的先决条件,本研究旨在评估建议治疗的抗生素的质量在缅甸北部某省的首府本地可用的性传播疾病。研究设计:除了医院药房,我们在密支那市随机选择了41家药物销售商中的5家和40名销售抗生素的全科医生中的5名。购买了与用于STD治疗的九种不同抗生素相对应的二十一种营销产品(苯甲硫氨酸苄青霉素,苄青霉素,头孢曲松,金霉素,环丙沙星,克霉唑,三苯并恶唑,多西环素和红霉素)。毒品被运往法国,并根据世界卫生组织的指导方针进行了分析。如果药物的剂量保持在预期值的10%范围内,则认为它们是标准药物。结果:在21种不同的特色产品中,只有三种显示了官方的“注册”标签。三种药物已过期,而其他六种药物的截止日期不可用。一种产品不含宣称的活性药物(金霉素; Lombisin,Unicorn,中国),并且对细菌没有任何体外活性。 21种产品中的7种(33%)不包含指定剂量(1,大于指定剂量; 6,小于指定剂量)。在两种产品(co-trimoxazole,缅甸Yong Fong;苄青霉素,中国,[城市和制造商未知])中观察到的最高赤字为48%。该剂量不适用于五种药物。结果,在21种产品中只有8种(38%)不包含指定剂量的活性药物。结论:这些发现表明,基于国民治疗指南的公共卫生政策应严格包括对可用抗菌产品质量控制的监控。如果没有此类措施,则特定的治疗策略可能会失败并产生耐药性。



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