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A ''Sexually Transmitted'' Fixed Drug Reaction


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Fixed drug eruption (FDE) is a common adverse drug reaction that occurs and recurs with exposure to the offending agent.1 Its exact pathogenesis remains mostly misunderstood.2 We report a case of FDE on the penile shaft of a patient caused by ingestion of diclofenac by the sexual partner. A 37-year-old man presented with a 7-day history of a penile lesion. His medical history was unremarkable, and he denied taking any medications in the last 8 months. His only sexual partner, his wife, is healthy apart from the occasional self-medication using diclofenac for cervicalgia. Clinical examination showed a discrete postinflammatory hyperpigmentation. The patient reports that he had noticed the same lesion 2 months prior and was convinced that his disease was sexually transmitted. Complete blood workup and routine urinalysis revealed no abnormalities. HIV antibodies, venereal disease research laboratory test, and immunoglobulins G and M against human herpes simplex viruses were all negative.
机译:固定的药疹(FDE)是常见的药物不良反应,会随着与违规药物的接触而复发。1其确切的发病机理仍被人们误解了。2我们报道了由于双氯芬酸的摄入导致患者阴茎上出现FDE的病例。由性伴侣。一名37岁的男子有7天的阴茎病变史。他的病史不明显,在过去的8个月中他拒绝服用任何药物。他的唯一性伴侣,他的妻子,除了偶尔使用双氯芬酸治疗颈椎病的自我药物疗法外,还很健康。临床检查显示发炎后色素沉着不连续。该患者报告说他在两个月前发现了相同的病变,并确信他的疾病是通过性传播的。全血检查和常规尿液分析未发现异常。 HIV抗体,性病研究实验室测试以及针对人类单纯疱疹病毒的免疫球蛋白G和M均为阴性。



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