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An intervention to reduce vaginal douching among adolescent and young adult women: a randomized, controlled trial.


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OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to evaluate an intervention to reduce vaginal douching among adolescent and young women who report douching. STUDY: This study consisted of a randomized, controlled trial of 275 primarily black adolescent and young adults aged 14 to 23 years. All women participated in 3 15-minute individualized counseling sessions. The experimental group received interventions based on their stage of readiness for ceasing vaginal douching. The comparison condition emphasized healthy eating and nutrition. The primary outcome measure was douching cessation (i.e., no douching in the preceding 3 months) at the 6-and 12-month assessment; a secondary outcome was progression through the stages of change toward douching cessation. RESULTS: Based on an intention-to-treat model, participants assigned to the douching intervention group were significantly more likely to report having stopped douching at 6 months (relative risk [RR], 1.34; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.03-1.73) and at 12 months (RR, 1.60; 95% CI, 1.28-2.00). At baseline, 89.9% of all women reported no intention to stop douching. Also based on an intention-to-treat model, there were no differences in stage across the 2 groups at 6 months (P = 0.29); however, at 12 months, the difference between the intervention and comparison group was statistically significant (P = 0.008). CONCLUSION: Stage-matched interventions can reduce douching among adolescent and young adult women.
机译:目的:本研究的目的是评估一种干预措施,以减少报告吞咽现象的青春期和年轻女性的阴道吞咽现象。研究:该研究包括一项随机对照研究,涉及275名主要年龄在14至23岁的黑人青少年和年轻人。所有妇女参加了3次15分钟的个性化咨询会议。实验组根据准备阶段接受了干预,以停止阴道冲洗。比较条件强调健康饮食和营养。在6个月和12个月的评估中,主要结局指标是戒烟(即前3个月没有戒烟);次要结果是逐步过渡到停止戒烟。结果:基于意向治疗模型,被分配到冲洗干预组的参与者更有可能报告在6个月时停止冲洗(相对风险[RR]为1.34; 95%置信区间[CI]为1.03) 1.73)和12个月时(RR,1.60; 95%CI,1.28-2.00)。基线时,所有女性中有89.9%的人表示无意停止冲洗。同样基于意向治疗模型,两组在6个月时的分期没有差异(P = 0.29)。然而,在12个月时,干预组与对照组之间的差异具有统计学意义(P = 0.008)。结论:阶段匹配的干预措施可以减少青春期和成年女性的流产。



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