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Relapsing polychondritis: a clinical review.


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OBJECTIVE: This study comprehensively reviews the literature related to relapsing polychondritis (RP). METHODS: A detailed search via MEDLINE (PubMed) was performed using relapsing polychondritis as the key term. Relevant articles were analyzed with a focus on history, epidemiology, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of RP. RESULTS: RP is a rare episodic and progressive inflammatory disease of presumed autoimmune etiology first described in 1923. RP affects cartilage in multiple organs, such as the ear, nose, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and joints. In addition, it can affect proteoglycan-rich tissues, such as the eyes, aorta, heart, and skin. The diagnosis of RP is based on the presence of clinical criteria. A standardized therapeutic protocol for RP has not been established. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, dapsone and/or colchicine, may control disease activity in some patients. In other patients, immunosuppressive drugs and prednisone have been effective. RP is a potentially lethal disease; pulmonary infection, systemic vasculitis, airway collapse, and renal failure are the most common causes of death. Earlier studies indicate survival rates between 70% at 4 years and 55% at 10 years. In a recent study, a survival rate of 94% at 8 years may be due to improved medical and surgical management. CONCLUSIONS: RP is a rare, multisystemic, and potentially fatal disease. The pathogenesis and optimal therapeutic approach to patients with RP is poorly understood.
机译:目的:本研究全面回顾了与复发性多发性软骨炎(RP)相关的文献。方法:以复发性多发性软骨炎为关键词,通过MEDLINE(PubMed)进行详细搜索。分析了相关文章,重点是RP的历史,流行病学,病因,发病机理,临床表现,诊断,治疗和预后。结果:RP是一种罕见的偶发性和进行性炎性疾病,其推测为自身免疫病因,始于1923年。RP影响多种器官的软骨,例如耳,鼻,喉,气管,支气管和关节。此外,它还可以影响富含蛋白聚糖的组织,例如眼睛,主动脉,心脏和皮肤。 RP的诊断基于临床标准的存在。 RP的标准化治疗方案尚未建立。非甾体类抗炎药氨苯砜和/或秋水仙碱可以控制某些患者的疾病活动。在其他患者中,免疫抑制药物和泼尼松已经有效。 RP是一种潜在的致死性疾病;肺部感染,全身性血管炎,气道衰竭和肾衰竭是最常见的死亡原因。较早的研究表明,4年生存率在70%到10年生存率在55%之间。在最近的一项研究中,8年生存率达到94%可能是由于改善了医疗和手术管理。结论:RP是一种罕见的,多系统的,可能致命的疾病。对RP患者的发病机理和最佳治疗方法了解甚少。



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