首页> 外文期刊>CASTANEA >Reintroduction of Federally Endangered Harperella (Harperella nodosum Rose) in Flood-Prone, Artificial, and Natural Habitats

Reintroduction of Federally Endangered Harperella (Harperella nodosum Rose) in Flood-Prone, Artificial, and Natural Habitats


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Harperella (Harperella nodosum) is the only federally listed endangered plant species in the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park (C&O Canal NHP) in the National Park Service in Maryland and one of four federally listed endangered plant species in West Virginia. This paper contrasts unsuccessful and successful efforts to reintroduce harperella seedlings in the main stem of the flood-prone Potomac River and on opposite sides of the river in damp sites in western Maryland and in streams in northeastern West Virginia. The reintroduction efforts in Maryland unsuccessfully transplanted seedlings on cobble bars on the Maryland side of the Potomac River and in artificial sites in the prism of the C&O Canal where harperella had never been found; the reintroduction efforts in West Virginia successfully transplanted seedlings on cobble bars in two tributaries of the Potomac River in West Virginia where harperella populations once flourished but in the last decade or so had been decimated by floods and ice damage. This investigation has contributed to defining harperella's life-cycle characteristics and ecological requirements. The data and observations presented can be used as a guide for reintroducing harperella seedlings and, by extension, other semiaquatic plant species into appropriate sites.
机译:Harperella(Harperella nodosum)是马里兰州国家公园管理局切萨皮克和俄亥俄运河国家历史公园(C&O Canal NHP)中唯一在联邦列出的濒危植物,也是西弗吉尼亚州四个在联邦列出的濒危植物之一。本文对比了在容易遭受洪水泛滥的波托马克河的主干以及在马里兰州西部潮湿地区和西弗吉尼亚州东北部河流中河流相反两侧重新引入哈珀氏菌幼苗的努力,但没有取得成功。在马里兰州的重新引入工作未能成功将幼苗移植到波托马克河马里兰州一侧的鹅卵石条上以及在从未发现过哈贝雷菌的C&O运河棱角处的人工场所中;西弗吉尼亚州的重新引进工作成功地将幼苗移植到了西弗吉尼亚州波托马克河的两个支流的鹅卵石支路上,那里的哈贝雷尔种群曾经繁盛,但在过去十年左右的时间里,洪水和冰灾使之减少了。这项调查有助于确定harperella的生命周期特征和生态要求。所提供的数据和观察结果可作为指导,以重新引入harperella幼苗,并通过其他方式将其他半水生植物物种重新引入适当的地点。



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