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Studies of various solid membrane supports to prepare stable sandwich liquid membranes and testing copper(II) removal from aqueous media


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Various solid membrane supports were used to assemble stagnant sandwich liquid membranes (SSwLMs) and compare them with supported liquid membranes (SLMs) with the aim to realize a liquid membrane (LM) system that combines high flux and high stability. Removal of copper(H) from aqueous media was used as model ion to test and compare the two LM systems. The SLM made with polypropylene (PP) Accurel support showed acceptable flux (28.7 mmol h~(-1) m~(-2)) but limited stability (50 h) while, using the polyethersulphone (PES) Supor~R 200 support, higher flux (39.7 mmol h~(-1) m~(-2)) but lower stability (22 h) were obtained. TOC results showed a release of the organic phase from the LM to both feed and strip aqueous solutions thus causing progressive system destabilization. SSwLM performance was tested using the Supor~R 200 support and two regenerated cellulose Spectra/Por 6 supports with different molecular weight cut off studying also the influence of module position. When the permeating module was horizontally positioned, copper release in the strip was inhibited. Probably water droplets caused a LM phase stratification reducing the contact area with the strip phase and delay of copper release happened. The vertical module orientation did not give the same problem. The SSwLM assembled with Supor~R 200 support gave the best results, combining both high flux (41.5 mmol h~(-1) m~(-2)) and high stability (183 h) making such a system interesting in purification and concentration of ions in aqueous media.
机译:各种固体膜载体被用于组装停滞的夹层液膜(SSwLM),并将其与支撑液膜(SLM)进行比较,以期实现兼具高通量和高稳定性的液膜(LM)系统。从水性介质中去除铜(H)用作模型离子,以测试和比较两个LM系统。用聚丙烯(PP)Accurel载体制成的SLM具有可接受的通量(28.7 mmol h〜(-1)m〜(-2)),但稳定性有限(50 h),而使用聚醚砜(PES)Supor〜R 200载体时,得到较高的通量(39.7 mmol h〜(-1)m〜(-2)),但稳定性较低(22 h)。 TOC结果显示有机相从LM释放到进料和汽提水溶液中,从而导致系统逐步失稳。使用Supor〜R 200支撑物和两个截留分子量不同的再生纤维素Spectra / Por 6支撑物测试了SSwLM性能,还研究了模块位置的影响。当渗透模块水平放置时,带材中的铜释放受到抑制。可能是水滴导致LM相分层,从而减少了与带状相的接触面积,并延迟了铜的释放。垂直模块方向没有产生相同的问题。与Supor〜R 200支撑架组装的SSwLM提供了最佳结果,结合了高通量(41.5 mmol h〜(-1)m〜(-2))和高稳定性(183 h),使该系统在纯化和浓缩方面很有趣在水性介质中的离子



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