首页> 外文期刊>SIAM Journal on Computing >Linear and O(n log n) time minimum-cost matching algorithms for quasi-convex tours

Linear and O(n log n) time minimum-cost matching algorithms for quasi-convex tours

机译:拟和凸行程的线性和O(n log n)时间最小成本匹配算法

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Let G be a complete, weighted, undirected, bipartite graph with n red nodes, n' blue nodes, and symmetric cost function c(x,y). A maximum matching for G consists of min {n,n'} edges from distinct red nodes to distinct blue nodes. Our objective is to find a minimum-cost maximum matching, i.e., one for which the sum of the edge costs has minimal value. This is the weighted bipartite matching problem or, as it is sometimes called, the assignment problem. We report a new and very fast algorithm for an abstract special case of this problem. Our first requirement is that the nodes of the graph are given as a "quasi-convex tour." This means that they are provided circularly ordered as x(1),..., x(N), where N = n + n', and that for any x(i), x(j), x(k), x(l), not necessarily adjacent but in tour order, with x(i), x(j) of one color and x(k), x(l) of the opposite color, the following inequality holds: c(x(i),x(l)) + c(x(j),x(k)) less than or equal to c(x(i),x(k)) + c(x(j),x(l)). If n = n', our algorithm then finds a minimum-cost matching in O(N log N) time. Given an additional condition of "weak analyticity," the time complexity is reduced to O(N). In both cases only linear space is required. In the special case where the circular ordering is a line-like ordering, these results apply even if n not equal n'. Our algorithm is conceptually elegant, straightforward to implement, and free of large hidden constants. As such we expect that it may be of practical value in several problem areas. Many natural graphs satisfy the quasi-convexity condition. These include graphs which lie on a line or circle with the canonical tour ordering, and costs given by any concave-down function of arclength - or graphs whose nodes lie on an arbitrary convex planar figure with costs provided by Euclidean distance. The weak-analyticity condition applies to points lying on a circle with costs given by Euclidean distance, and we thus obtain the first linear-time algorithm for the minimum-cost matching problem in this setting (and also where costs are given by the L-1 or L-infinity metrics). Given two symbol strings over the same alphabet, we may imagine 1 one to be red and the other blue and use our algorithms to compute string distances. In this formulation, the strings are embedded in the real line and multiple independent assignment problems are solved, one for each distinct alphabet symbol. While these examples are somewhat geometrical, it is important to remember that our conditions are purely abstract; hence, our algorithms may find application to problems in which no direct connection to geometry is evident. [References: 27]
机译:令G为具有n个红色节点,n'个蓝色节点和对称成本函数c(x,y)的完整的,加权的,无向的二部图。 G的最大匹配由从不同的红色节点到不同的蓝色节点的最小{n,n'}边缘组成。我们的目标是找到一种最低成本的最大匹配,即边缘成本之和具有最小价值的匹配。这是加权二分匹配问题,有时也称为分配问题。我们针对此问题的抽象特殊情况报告了一种新的非常快的算法。我们的第一个要求是将图的节点指定为“准凸曲线”。这意味着它们以x(1),...,x(N)的形式循环提供,其中N = n + n',对于任何x(i),x(j),x(k), x(l),不一定相邻,但按游览顺序排列,其中x(i),x(j)为一种颜色,而x(k),x(l)为相反颜色,则以下不等式成立:c(x( i),x(l))+ c(x(j),x(k))小于或等于c(x(i),x(k))+ c(x(j),x(l) )。如果n = n',则我们的算法将找到O(N log N)时间的最小成本匹配。给定“弱分析”的其他条件,时间复杂度降低为O(N)。在这两种情况下,仅需要线性空间。在特殊情况下,如果循环排序是直线排序,则即使n不等于n',这些结果也适用。我们的算法从概念上讲是优雅的,易于实现,并且没有较大的隐藏常数。因此,我们希望它在某些问题领域具有实用价值。许多自然图都满足拟凸条件。这些图包括按规范的巡回顺序排列在直线或圆上的图,以及由弧长的任何凹降函数给出的成本-或图的节点位于任意凸平面图形上的图,其成本由欧几里得距离提供。弱解析条件适用于点在圆上的点,圆的成本由欧几里得距离给出,因此我们针对这种情况下的最小成本匹配问题,获得了第一个线性时间算法(而且成本由L- 1或L-infinity指标)。给定相同字母上的两个符号字符串,我们可以想象一个是红色,另一个是蓝色,并使用我们的算法来计算字符串距离。在此公式中,字符串被嵌入到实线中,并且解决了多个独立的分配问题,每个独立的字母符号对应一个问题。尽管这些示例在某种程度上是几何的,但重要的是要记住,我们的条件是纯粹抽象的。因此,我们的算法可能会应用于那些与几何没有直接联系的问题。 [参考:27]



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