首页> 外文期刊>Seminars in liver disease >Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: Pathologic patterns and biopsy evaluation in clinical research

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: Pathologic patterns and biopsy evaluation in clinical research


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Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) results in histologically complex specific and nonspecific injury patterns. In clinical research of NAFLD, the liver biopsy evaluation provides a wealth of information on the architectural arrangement and severity of a variety of histologic changes, including steatosis, inflammation, cellular injury, and fibrosis. This information is summarized as an overall diagnostic category, such steatosis or steatohepatitis and the severity of the injury can be graded and staged. Histopathologic disease classification in NAFLD is related to but separate from evaluation of individual histologic lesions. The patient population under study may affect the prevalence of histologic findings and in particular, pediatric patients with NAFLD may show a higher prevalence of zone 1 steatosis and periportal fibrosis as compared with adult populations. For the purposes of clinical research, it is important to provide the pathologist with biopsies that are adequate to classify the disease process as well as to grade and stage the changes. A current understanding of NAFLD pathologic classification, as well as nuances of grading and staging, is presented in this review.
机译:非酒精性脂肪肝疾病(NAFLD)导致组织学上复杂的特异性和非特异性损伤模式。在NAFLD的临床研究中,肝活检评估提供了有关各种组织学变化(包括脂肪变性,炎症,细胞损伤和纤维化)的结构安排和严重性的大量信息。此信息被概括为总体诊断类别,例如脂肪变性或脂肪性肝炎,并且可以对伤害的严重程度进行分级和分级。 NAFLD中的组织病理学疾病分类与单个组织学病变的评估有关,但与评估分开。受研究的患者人群可能会影响组织学检查结果的患病率,尤其是与成人人群相比,NAFLD的儿科患者可能显示1区脂肪变性和门静脉纤维化的患病率更高。出于临床研究的目的,重要的是为病理学家提供足以对疾病过程进行分类以及对变化进行分级和分级的活检。这篇综述介绍了对NAFLD病理学分类以及分级和分期的细微差别的最新了解。



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