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Historical aspects of treatment of patients with cirrhosis and ascites.


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The most striking feature of the history of treatment of patients with cirrhosis and ascites is the recurring cycle of initial enthusiasm for a new modality based on uncontrolled observations, followed by reports of complications and failures and/or negative randomized control trials (RCTs). The RCTs tend to be performed rather late, after it is realized that there are problems with the new treatment. In 1975 Tom Chalmers made a plea for randomization of the first patient treated with a new modality. The appropriateness of performing RCTs very early in the evaluation of a new treatment cannot be overemphasized today. Carefully designed RCTs that focus on appropriate subsets of patients and evaluate clinically important endpoints (rather than easier-to-measure, but unimportant indirect endpoints) are the keys to "evidence-based medicine" that will lead to the best outcomes for our patients. If we do not remember that uncontrolled studies regularly lead us into years or even decades of "blind alleys" of investigation, we are destined to repeat the mistakes of the past.
机译:肝硬化和腹水患者治疗史上最引人注目的特征是,基于不受控制的观察结果,对一种新方法的初始热情的复发周期不断,其次是并发症和失败的报道和/或阴性的随机对照试验(RCT)。在意识到新治疗存在问题之后,RCT往往执行得比较晚。 1975年,汤姆·查默斯(Tom Chalmers)呼吁随机分配第一位接受新疗法的患者。今天,在评估新疗法时尽早进行RCT的适当性不能过分强调。精心设计的RCT着眼于患者的适当子集并评估临床上重要的终点(而不是易于测量,但不重要的间接终点)是“循证医学”的关键,它将为我们的患者带来最佳结果。如果我们不记得无节制的研究经常使我们进入数年甚至数十年的“盲区”调查,那么我们注定要重蹈覆辙。



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