首页> 外文期刊>Selbyana >The use of orchid pollinia or pollinaria for taxonomic identification. (Special issue: Orchid pollinaria)

The use of orchid pollinia or pollinaria for taxonomic identification. (Special issue: Orchid pollinaria)

机译:兰花花粉或花粉病用于分类学鉴定的用途。 (特刊:兰花花粉病)

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The structural variation of pollinia and pollinaria in Orchidaceae is discussed. Pollinia and pollinaria are restricted to two (of the five) orchid subfamilies: Orchidoideae and Epidendroideae. The attributes of pollinia and pollinaria of these subfamilies are commented on and discussed. Pollinia and pollinaria also occur in the plant family Apocynaceae, in the subfamilies Asclepiadoideae and Periplocoideae, but these are structurally different from those found in the family Orchidaceae. A number of morphological features of orchid pollinaria are informative taxonomically and ecologically. These features are briefly discussed and examples are given. The recent description of the first unequivocal fossil orchid (Meliorchis caribea; Orchidoideae: Goodyerinae) from a pollinarium attached to an insect pollinator is briefly discussed. This example is used to illustrate the use of informative morphological and palynological characters. A fascinating new perspective, the possibility of species identification using DNA sequencing from pollinia or pollinaria attached to pollinators, is also discussed. Suggestions and future avenues of research focusing on orchid pollination are given.
机译:讨论了兰科花粉和花粉的结构变异。花粉症和花粉病仅限于两个(五个)兰花亚科:兰花科和表皮科。对这些亚科的花粉症和花粉症的属性进行了评论和讨论。花粉症和花粉病也存在于夹竹桃科,虎皮亚科和伞形科的亚科中,但它们的结构与兰科的不同。兰花花粉的许多形态特征在分类学和生态学上都是有益的。简要讨论了这些功能并给出了示例。简要讨论了从附着在昆虫授粉媒介上的花粉中的第一个明确的化石兰花(Meliorchis caribea; Orchidoideae:Goodyerinae)的最新描述。此示例用于说明信息性形态和孢粉特征的使用。还讨论了一个令人着迷的新观点,即使用来自花粉属或传粉媒介的花粉属的DNA测序进行物种鉴定的可能性。给出了有关兰花授粉研究的建议和未来的途径。



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