首页> 外文期刊>Seminars in speech and language >What the literature tells us about listeners' reactions to stuttering: implications for the clinical management of stuttering.

What the literature tells us about listeners' reactions to stuttering: implications for the clinical management of stuttering.


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It is known that listeners harbor negative stereotypes toward people who stutter but there are a host of other findings in the literature that provide a broader perspective about how listeners react to stuttering. The focus of this article is a discussion of four areas of research related to listener reactions to stuttering: (1) how stuttering impacts listeners' reactions to mild, moderate, and severe stuttering; (2) how stuttering interferes with listener recall and comprehension of story information; (3) how children react to stuttering; and (4) how listeners react to strategies plus use in stuttering therapy programs. Studies associated with these four areas of research are summarized and discussed. Clinical implications that emerge from these studies are described to assist clinicians in the treatment of children and adults who stutter.
机译:众所周知,听众对口吃者持消极刻板印象,但文献中还有许多其他发现,这些观点为听者如何应对口吃提供了更广阔的视野。本文的重点是讨论与听者对口吃的反应有关的四个研究领域:(1)口吃如何影响听者对轻度,中度和严重口吃的反应; (2)口吃如何干扰听众的回忆和对故事信息的理解; (3)儿童对口吃的反应; (4)听众对口吃策略计划中策略的使用和反应。对与这四个研究领域相关的研究进行了总结和讨论。描述了这些研究产生的临床意义,以协助临床医生治疗口吃的儿童和成人。



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